Light switch group remove total switch

Anyone know how to remove the switch from a group that toggles all of them? I have a group with switches, but would like to remove the grouped switch, and only have individual switches…

Add control: hidden to your group:

  name: Lights
  control: hidden
    - light.bedroom

thanks thats awesome… do you know of a way to hide a switch’s button? my switches have 2 lightning bolt icons, one to turn it off and one to turn it on… any idea how i can disable the 2nd one? i just need one that turns it on, as its more of a script rather than a switch…

It’s possible to hide I think but it’s in the realm of custom stuff which I’ve not played with yet.
Alternatively you could try and convert them to scripts then you’d only have an “activate” link.
Again is possible to change “activate” into something else in custom ui, but I’ve not done it yet

Add this to the customize section of your switch:

assumed_state: false # <==== this make it look like input_boolean instead of toggle on/off

Hey Petro,

Think he just doesn’t want it to turn off as it’s a script hence the script suggestion to replace the switch with an “activate” button :blush:

yeah that just makes it a switch instead of two seperate buttons… not exactly what i wanted.

any idea where i would be looking for this custom stuff? how would i go about changing it to a script? and what would it look like?

You can get started with this

And this for custom ui

reading isn’t my strongest suit…

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Here’s how you can change the ‘ACTIVATE’ button.


thanks guys ill check this out…