Yes no false triggers anymore.
Cool project!
I would just point out that the led pinout in the images it’s wrong: The center pin is always connected to vcc 3.3v (through some resistor) and, to turn the led on, the left pin is pulled to gnd via some transistors piloted by gpio13 (specifically, when gpio13 is HIGH the led is off and is on when gpio13 is LOW).
Also, the led is a two-color one: If the right pin (“NC”) is pulled to ground the led turn on red instead of green.
Thanks for pointing out the differences between the LED pins. I was just making guesses based on what worked, but it’s good to know what each of the pins does if I want to change colors or do other things in the future.
BTW, I never had any issues with false positives so didn’t have a need for extra capacitors.
I know this is an old thread, but can anyone tell me what the part number is for this Momentary LED Push Button?
Search aliexpress for momentary push button. You can probably find them in most hobby electronics shop.