Limiting alexa access to specific Home Assistant entities only

I want alexa to only be able to see the light entities in my house. So I did this in configuration.yaml

        - light

I restarted Home Assistant, but under Configuration > Cloud, alexa can still see all my entities.

So I went to Amazon Alexa website and clicked on “Forget All Devices”. I restarted Home Assistant again, but under Configuration > Cloud, alexa can still see all my devices.

So I told alexa to “scan for new devices” and found 150 something devices. Even though in the configuration.yaml I only enabled the “light” domain.

I’m sure I’m not understanding something correctly, so can anyone please explain to me how do I limit alexa from seeing all my Home Assistant entities? I just want alexa to have access on the lights domain.


Have you ever used haaska?

I haven’t, but seeing the installation & setup process, I would really prefer not to.

Home Assistant can’t filter alexa entities without using haaska?

ok, my mistake. Instead of creating the cloud.yaml file and configuring it there, I created an alexa.yaml

This is my cloud.yaml file

   - light

and this is the result


No, the opposite. If you’d bothered reading the post you would have seen that haaska can cache the devices and lead to filters not working.

Be nice tom, I did read the post and solved the issue. We’re all trying to help each other here.

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