LimitlessLED help

Good Evening,

I have LimitlessLED’s throughout the house but they are temperamental at best. These are assumed states bulbs and I wondered if there was anyway to send the signal twice just to make sure its recieved (UDP protocol I think). I have my hall light triggered of PIR but despite it sending the signal to turn on it does not always happen.

In the in deps/limitlessled there is a variable called reps (I’m assuming repeats). Its currently at three. If I increase this will it send the command more than the default three?

I’m assuming I’m reading the code right. I may be very wrong.

Thanks in advance


I assume you are turning the light on when the PIR is tripped using an automation?

If so put multiple actions for turning on the same light. I use this with one of my RF switches that is at the edge of the range. I say turn on and then I may have a small delay and then another turn on call for the same switch.

That doesn’t really fix the issue but is a good band-aid until you figure it out.

Thanks silvrr

so at the minute i have
-alias: “Hall on”
- platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.pir_frontroom
state: ‘on’
service: light.turn_on
entity_id: light.BackRoom

if i say do

  • delay: 0:35
    service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: light.BackRoom

Is that what you mean? Apologies for the lack of whitespace. Not sure how to do it…



See here on how to post with whitespace…

The way you have your delay is 35 minutes which is probably to long.


    - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: lght.backroom
    - delay: 00:00:01
    - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: lght.backroom

Note that there needs to be a hyphen before each delay and service.

:grinning: much appreciated. will give it a go. Thank you

You can also up REPS in if you want. That would work as you would expect.