LimitlessLED new remote/LED strip controller

OK. I can see. I was not digging into actual content of messages sent to State and Update topics yet.

Also, I had no time to read the whole yours discussion with Chris topic (yet :grinning:), but I understand that it’s much better to treat (to forward) updates from other remotes as commands of issued to MQTT Light… so they can be later merged into consistent “light state” by EHM and finally by HA. Of course, I expect the EHM will repeat the command sent originally by remote as it’s state state may also not be consistent.
Am I right?

Yes, after setting the automation (to forward the packages from the secondary remote update topic to primary remote command topic) EMH will replay the command the secondary remote has issued. If that command had already reached the bulb, then there won’t be any change; if the command from that secondary remote didn’t previously reached the bulb (if the bulb and the remote are too far away but the EMH is between the two - although I think it won’t exactly be the case as the emitter used by the remotes is more powerful than NRF24L01), then the chances of bulb being updated are increased.