List of possible entity states? Like "not_home" vs "away"

Hi, how do I make sure I use the correct entity states?

For example, in group.persons (occupancy sensor), I see both “away” and “not_home” being used around this forum. Are they both permitted? Where can I see a list of correct states so there’s less guesswork?

I know I can test but it’s a LOT of stuff and some of it is not that easy to simulate.

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Hi @Stooovie,

According to the integration description, a person state can be :

When a state is not_home, you can see “AWAY” in the frontend :

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You can see the current state of each entity you have configured with the developer tools in the states section. But if you want to see all possible states, I think you have to look at the integrations page or test it out.

Yes, I know about current states in Dev tools. It would be nice if it displayed possible states, it already displays a lot of variables of each entity. Thanks!

Thanks, I was wondering why some automations I’ve done according to this forum didn’t work as they had “away” in place of “not_home”.

The challenge is that for many things it’s not possible to know what the possible states are.

Binary sensors, switches, and lights are easy. Everything else is far more complicated. Some base integrations do document this but many don’t because it’s impractical.

I agree though that more detail in the docs would be useful, maybe worth raising as a WTH entry?

Maybe an extra column in the developer tools in which the previously recorded states of entities are displayed. I raised a WTH here.

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Ace! Thanks!