Well, yes but not in a very nice way. I wanted to have these all sensors kind of like a analoge regulator.
Until I get a Easee Load Balancer to put in my Swedish meter-port, I just made it work.
Perhaps there will be better solutions when this becomes an official integration. It would have been different if I had a 3-phase EV and not just a 1-phase PHEV, then I would have to spend some more time on this to make it work nicer
But I’m happy to tell how I did. Bet there will be plenty of contributors telling me there is better ways
Script for start
Note: You should also make three more for the stop, pause and resume.
It does start a sequence by setting the current to 8A since I found it to be creeping to 40A under some circumstances. Never set it lower than 6A since it will be the maintenance load limit for the Easee charger (and other chargers too btw). Starting from 8A will take a few polls from the Home Electric Meter (HEM) to ramp up, but with frequent polling it’s about 2 minutes. Starting from 40A would take relatively long time to ramp down and could mean you run your home in 20-40A for tens of minutes, I’ve run mine in 25-27 several times. Not good but workable with healthy wiring and slow regular fuses.
alias: Easee Start
- service: easee.set_circuit_dynamic_limit
circuit_id: <NNNNN, YOUR circuit, five numbers>
currentP1: 8 <6+2=8A>
currentP2: 8 <6+2=8A>
currentP3: 8 <6+2=8A>
- service: easee.start
charger_id: <AANNNNNN, YOUR charger ID, two capital letters and six numbers>
mode: single
icon: hass:play
Automation for increase
Note: House hold is 20A so below is set to 20-1=19. Charger fuse is 16.
I have a slider for the household fuse that I planned on using, but nah, this would probably be the only automation I’d use it for.
The action is a step up of 1A if the conditions are met.
By the way, my HEM is (if not obvious) sensor.hem_ampere_l1.
alias: Easee L1 Increase
description: ''
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.hem_ampere_l1
- condition: and
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.hem_ampere_l1
below: '19' <20-1=19A>
above: '0'
- condition: state
entity_id: sensor.easee_status
state: charging
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.easee_dynamic_circuit_limit
above: '0'
below: '16' <Circuit fuse, which is also the limit set in Easee installation>
- service: easee.set_circuit_dynamic_limit
circuit_id: <NNNNN, YOUR circuit, five numbers>
currentP1: >-
{{ (states.sensor.easee_dynamic_circuit_limit.state|float|round(0) + 1)
mode: single
max: 3
Automation for decrease
Note: Easee shuts down at 6A, and then it’s hard to regulate so we don’t want that. Therefore 6+1=A. Still, we don’t want to go over household fuse which is 20A.
The action is a stepdown by 1A if the conditions are met.
alias: Easee L1 Decrease
description: ''
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.hem_ampere_l1
- condition: and
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.hem_ampere_l1
above: '20' <Household fuse>
- condition: state
entity_id: sensor.easee_status
state: charging
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.easee_dynamic_circuit_limit
above: '7' <6+1=7A>
- service: easee.set_circuit_dynamic_limit
circuit_id: <NNNNN, YOUR circuit, five numbers>
currentP1: >-
{{ (states.sensor.easee_dynamic_circuit_limit.state|float|round(0) - 1)
mode: single
max: 3
As said, not a pretty solution but it works for me. If Easee just did not have a load balancer for P12 on it’s way, I would probably spend more time to it.
Let me know how it works and if anyone have any better input. The chargebot appdaemon would work but I don’t want to alter my Hass too much for this application. I have about 80 zwave & zigbee units in my house and Easee is one only.