Local Deployment for SureFlap / SurePetCare Connect using only local MQTT Broker

I am indeed outside that range : H008-0xxxxxx

I only tested H010 ranges around my own serial number. H008 hardware might be a different story.

I’m wondering if it’s a Hub v2 rather than a v1. I know there is a v2 hub out there as the FCC has it, but not sure if it’s out.
If it is a V008 it’s unlikely that is the case.
If you email me offline I can see what I can see.

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My hub is about 3 years old so unlikely to be a newer v2 model

@peterl I had to move away from local because I needed to set a cat to only be locked in. Now that you’re back, is there way to do that? :smiley:

What version of the firmware is it running now? As last time i downloaded firmware there was the 2.204. Perhaps a newer version has come out and busted everything.

Setting the cat to inside only can be done. Just I never built a nice way to do it. I’m going to see how my personal time availability plays out this year with some significant changes in my life this year.


Hi Amelchio,

Mine is H010-0646816, so within the range

Running 233.364
I e-mailed you my json file separately.

Ewww they have changed the API response and the firmware version can’t be calculated the way I used to calculate it. I’m currently away from home and don’t have access to my development environment but will look into it when I am back home tomorrow night.

Unfortunately, I can confirm that this SN also fails for me.

Seems like Surepet are blocking a few serial numbers. I wonder if they are blocking it because you have upgraded to the latest version, as the version number returned is a newer version. Going to do some further investigation into what is going on.


@peterl: can we expect new activities on the hub V2?
I recently purchased an Sureflap including hub. On the devices back side I read: iHB v2.

What I’m interested in, is a connection to my MQTT Broker (receive informations from the flap over MQTT and hopefully publish commands to control the flap). I don’t need any integrations in other systems.
Will there be a chance?



After looking everywhere trying to find a way to avoid the cloud for my Sure cat flap, I just found this amazing thread/repo which gives me hope, and I have a million questions but I will start with these two: as there has not been a lot of updates in this thread recently, is this still working for the hub v1? and if so, what data and functionality is available after following the process to make the connection local? (i.e. is battery info available? is the data received from the hub read-only, or can the cat flap be open/keeps-pets-in/keeps-pets-out/lock-both-ways?)

@peterl can you confirm if this repo is still working/being mantained? happy to help as I would love to move my cat flap away from the cloud and control it locally

It still works for me and it should keep working because it keeps the hub on an old firmware. However, there are reports that downgrading to that old firmware is now being blocked by the cloud servers so you may be out of luck for the time being.

It shows battery voltage and there are individual switches for keep-in/keep-out (global only, not for each pet).

My pet status – is the pet in or out – is very unreliable but I guess that is a hardware issue and would have been the same with the native app (which I never used).

@amelchio I am trying to follow the steps to download the firmware, but even my serial number is within that range (H010-062xxxx) the process returns the error “IndexError: list index out of range”. Current firmware version is 233.364, is it possible that they are now blocking all serial numbers? Also if the issue is only when trying to download the firmware, can someone with the 2.43 firmware just share it so everyone else can use it?
@pgauret I can see you had the same version of the firmware, did you have any luck with the downgrade?

Sorry no luck, think the issue is cloud server side, ran out of ideas

I’ve just registered to post here for this topic and amazing project.

I’ve just bought a new hub v1 and since I knew that there are issues, I’ve downloaded the firmware and calculated the creds before even connecting the hub to the power socket. Hoping this could help me later.

When connecting the hub to the internet it updated its firmware instantly, then rebooted and the ears were solid red again until it rebooted again.

So I assume it not only updated its firmware, but its bootloader too. Since the bootloader version is part of the firmware filename the correct file maybe cannot be found.

Checking which bootloader version is currently running on the hub could be one starting point, but I don’t know how to check this.

Another way would be to iterate over some “bootloader version space” and try to download it by trial and error.

Hey everyone, sorry I have gone AWOL on the project. Family issues and spending too much time on it meant I had to park it. It seems that SureFlap has made some significant changes to break a lot of the things I was doing which is quite annoying. I am not sure if they have released a new version of firmware for the hub past firmware 2.201.
Let me do some digging and dust of my code and see what is going on.

Ok, so this new firmware 233.364 seems to have changed quite a bit. Just working on getting my hands on a copy to see if they have locked everything out. I also assume that you have a V1 hub not a V2? As the new model hub I have not yet seen and don’t really want to spend $150 on when I already have a few spare hubs. If someone can email me offline and have the ability to setup a private network and use tcpdump and perhaps man in the middle some traffic for me so we can capture a few things without phoning home to the mothership that would be great.


welcome back @peterl :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::wave: