Local realtime person detection for RTSP cameras

Has anyone run the Coral TPU (M.2 module via PCIe) as a remote service on a Linux box, separate from the HASS server (I’m using a RPi4) that has the Frigate (full) add-on, rather than the Proxy?

Failing being unable to do this, I’m missing all the entities, re object detection, as I’m using the Frigate NVR Proxy, so I’ll be trying to emulate them via MQTT templates. Anyone had perfect success doing this?

The integration already works with frigate installed somewhere else. As long as the machines can talk to each other, the integration pulls in all the entities, the media browser, and everything else works. Then you use the proxy addon to get frigate in the sidebar if you want it.

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I want to prevent false triggering of stationary car as described here

I have created zones “front_left” and “front_right” and configured it so a car is only detected on “front_left”, not where it is parked in “front_right”.
Within Frigate this seems to work, the events on the Events page match my expectation.

But in MTTQ I still get events detecting the car (see below), but the current_zones / entered_zones fields are empty. Is this expected?

I was expecting the MTTQ events to be filtered as happened within Events page of the GUI.
But maybe I am just tagging the MTTQ with more information and need to filter within the automation.

Message 64 received on frigate/events at 8:49 PM:
    "before": {
        "id": "1640292266.297389-0c4kuq",
        "camera": "front",
        "frame_time": 1640292566.067987,
        "snapshot_time": 1640292566.067987,
        "label": "car",
        "top_score": 0.75,
        "false_positive": false,
        "start_time": 1640292266.297389,
        "end_time": null,
        "score": 0.67578125,
        "box": [
        "area": 366610,
        "region": [
        "current_zones": [],
        "entered_zones": [],
        "has_clip": false,
        "has_snapshot": false
    "after": {
        "id": "1640292266.297389-0c4kuq",
        "camera": "front",
        "frame_time": 1640292571.0871,
        "snapshot_time": 1640292567.097635,
        "label": "car",
        "top_score": 0.75,
        "false_positive": false,
        "start_time": 1640292266.297389,
        "end_time": null,
        "score": 0.74609375,
        "box": [
        "area": 321473,
        "region": [
        "current_zones": [],
        "entered_zones": [],
        "has_clip": false,
        "has_snapshot": false
    "type": "update"

I have got the Frigate up and running for a while and it is working really great on my PC and mobile Galaxy S10!
However i recently added a Galaxy A7 Tab to my home setup following the excellent Building my PERFECT Smart Home Control Panel! - YouTube and Fully Kiosk Browser and Home Assistant - YouTube
I.e. running Fully Kiosk
Everything works great…exempt the Frigate that do not want to show the camera feed on the Galaxy A7 Tab via the custom:frigate-card…
The exact same controlpanel shows the camera feed just fine on the PC and mobile Galaxy S10.
Anyone know what the issue could be?

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I seem to be having some trouble updating the frigate integration from HACS. I’m seeing v2.2 on the Git repo, but HACS is only showing v2.1 for me and no updates are available. How do I update my integration?

Sorry, I’m a newbie in HA. I really love Frigate Add-on and everything was working fine till I updated HA to 2021.12. I can’t figure out how to update Frigate to V2.2.0, I installed Frigate as integration by adding a repository from add-on store. Now I’m stuck here and had to downgrade HA to 2021.11.4. Please give some clear lead on how to proceed. Thank you in advance

Hi rancho, what have you changed in the config to make Frigate works again?

[wyze v3 ] I went back from RTSP to FiveLeavesLeft/WyzeCameraLiveStream as well. in my opinion for Frigate this hack works the best. Have been using it almost a year w/o missing a beat.

here is how to go back: guide

Bump. I’ve the same problem - but all my cameras being exported by Frigate via RTMP are not visible as entities. Check to see in your Entities list if your camera(s) are listed.

@blakeblackshear Blake, thanks for the reply. And what a wonderful job you have done in creating and maintaining Friday - its brilliant!

Unfortunately the integration on my system is not pulling in all the entities - it is not pulling in any of them, none of my cameras have entities in HA. I’ve opened an issue with details - No camera or frigate entities created by the Frigate NVR Proxy addon - so no cameras, etc · Issue #61 · blakeblackshear/frigate-hass-addons · GitHub

Am going to try installing previous versions of the Frigate NVR Proxy addon to see if one will work.

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Question :slight_smile:
It is almost impossible to get a google coral usb accelerator due to the ww chip shortage.
However I see that some suppliers have the coral dev board mini.
Is it possible to use?
I have a HA blue setup and want to use it in a usb config setup.
Anybody instructions/experience?

Thanks and happy new year


Well, I do not think we have the same issue.
I have the frigate camera entities and they actually works fine on my PC, android phone and Tab A7 tablet (via fully Kiosk).
However the Frigate live view via the custom:frigate-card does not work in my Tab A7 tablet (although it works fine on my PC and android mobile phone) . I assume it might have something to do with the custom:frigate-card in combination with Fully Kiosk and/or Tab A7?

Hi Folks. I wanted to try frigate with a coral tpu - but it was very hard to find one - the only one available is an rather exotic M.2 Type E chip - so i searched and searched … and now i have this sandwich card running on my proxmox with an lxc container running a frigate instance:

This is an PCIe to mini-pcie adapter having a mini-pci to m.2 e typ adapter on top - which holds the TPU. Currently i only have access to one of the tpu chips - this is the only limitation of the pcie adapter.
But with my “tiny” amount of cameras its more then enough for me.


I had a similar issue in my NUC where I had to use an adapter to use the same TPU with the same single lane limitation. I also have a USB coral on the same box which runs at 9ms infrencing speed vs 18ms of the m.2 card.

Good job finding a workable solution!

I am just getting around to upgrading my system from 2021.10.1 to the most recent version, and to do so, I need to upgrade Frigate. I updated the breaking change for the detect portion, but do I need to add in the detectors section, or will it default to my coral?

Edit: I am also getting an error when trying to switch over from clips to record. I don’t see an input section in the sample config
WARNING : Camera back_porch has record enabled, but record is not assigned to an input.

So this might be more of a HA general question, but maybe Frigate can do something.
Is there a way to store the clips/recordings to an external NAS?

Yes there is… But I suspect that you have to run Frigate on an external docker.
Im running Frigate on a small nuc ubuntu machine. By doing this way I have ful control over Frigate and take the load of from HA.
This is how my docker-compose file locks like…

version: "3.6"
    container_name: frigate
    privileged: true
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: blakeblackshear/frigate:0.10.0-beta6-amd64

    shm_size: '4GB'
      - /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb
      - /dev/dri/renderD128
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - ${PWD}/config.yml:/config/config.yml:ro
      - /mnt/syn_frigate/media:/media/frigate
      - type: tmpfs
        target: /tmp/cache
          size: 2000000000

      - "5000:5000"
      - "1935:1935" # RTMP feeds

My media (Synology) folder is mounted to my ubuntu machine.
And all the clips and database is saved there…

Hi anyone has this type problem with Double Take and Deepstack does not connect to double take

DeepStack: Version 2021.09.01
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 20:59:14 | 200 |    5.949594ms | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/delete"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 20:59:22 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/recognize"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 20:59:53 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/recognize"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:00:14 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/register"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:00:29 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/register"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:00:44 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/register"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:00:59 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/register"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:01:14 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/register"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:01:29 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/register"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:01:44 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/register"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:02:18 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/recognize"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:02:49 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/recognize"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:03:19 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/recognize"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:03:49 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/recognize"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:04:19 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/recognize"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:04:49 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/recognize"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:05:19 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/recognize"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:05:49 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/recognize"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:06:19 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/recognize"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:06:49 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/recognize"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:07:19 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/recognize"
[GIN] 2022/01/06 - 21:07:49 | 500 |          1m0s | | POST     "/v1/vision/face/recognize"

Hi All,
Finally I have working setup. it crosses all my expectations ! In fact I have now shutdown my synology survilance station and only using Frigage. Thanks a ton for such a funtastic work.
I have Synology DS716+II along with Coral USB TPU. It is getting stream from Reolink RLC520 (I want to expand it to 4) Currently used docker image is blakeblackshear/frigate:0.10.0-beta6-amd64
Now what I notice is, Frigate docker consumes almost 20% CPU (no issues for me). But is it correct ? Does someone else is also having simmilar setup and can post the configuruation ? Or can some one verify my configuration for any possible improvements. Here is my Camera config. And here is my Docker Compose

Are you on DSM 7?
If so, your Synology probably isn’t using the Coral USB.
They disabled using USB except for storage and UPS.

If the Coral is detected you should see the following in the logs

2022-01-07T02:37:18.461033182Z [2022-01-06 21:37:18] frigate.edgetpu                INFO    : Attempting to load TPU as usb
2022-01-07T02:37:21.172793717Z [2022-01-06 21:37:21] frigate.edgetpu