Local realtime person detection for RTSP cameras

Is no one backing up their clips ?

I record to the camera SD card and using frigate so I kinda have two copies for a couple of days tops. If I see something I want to keep I’ll download the event at the time, otherwise I don’t care if footage is lost.


I also use Blue Iris for 24x7 recording with DeepStack (nvidia) to try and eliminate false positives for HD recording
I currently have BI exporting confirmed alerts to a folder (which I plan to sync to OneDrive), but would prefer using frigate alerts (as they are better I find)

Really trying to cover off the theft of my proxmox box, which everything runs on :frowning:

That’s a fair point. They’d struggle to find my server gear I reckon.

I plan to just run 2nd server with 24/7 recording.

I’m with you. When I was using BleuIris I had build an automation that would trigger a backup of the last few days to Google drive in case the alarm was triggered in HomeAssistant.

I would love to re-create that with my Frigate setup (which runs on a dedicated mini PC)

I think this would be possible by leveraging this option in combination with mounting Google drive on the Frigate PC.

How exactly I would also need to find out as I’m far from a linux expert

I’m also using the reolink NVR. Which number do you increment to change between camera streams?

I’m supporting my parents house from a state away and don’t have a VPN otherwise I’d test it with VLC.

bcs/channel1 this is the one to change between streams. If I remember correctly channel0 = channel1.

Is I possible to declare conditional (time?) dependent object detection masks?


What is purpose?

@tmjpugh To trigger if someone is on my driveway during the night for more than x seconds. But the same camera also covers part of my yard, which I never want to be masked out.

You can get the person detection by frigate as a sensor. If it sees a person an automation could be triggered where you use camera.snapshot of the full resolution stream.

That’s what I ended up doing, but calling the camera directly for it to be as realtime as possible. I dont have the full resolution stream handled by frigate or HA.

I presume this is for use in HA automation?
If so you can just not mask and set time base condition in automation, only notify after sundown for example.

What you really want is to add zones. With zine you can specify automation to trigger after 8 PM if in zone “driveway” .

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Will give it a try. Thanks!

I have upgraded from 0.10.0 to 0.11.1.

I did notice breaking changes but nothing that I can see should have any effect on my setup. However, I can’t see snapshot and clip does not exist.

        - path: rtsp://XXXXXXXXXXXXX/Streaming/Channels/103
            - detect
            - rtmp
            - record
      width: 1280
      height: 720
      fps: 5
        - person
            - 0,201,287,102,283,38,479,0,0,0
      enabled: true
      timestamp: false
      bounding_box: true
        default: 7
      enabled: true
          default: 10
      enabled: True

Does anyone have an idea what I’m missing here?

I did a full reinstall of the add on.

Thought I would circle back on this one

So I have been playing with getting a telegram bot setup, so snapshots/clips of events are sent to telegram, still trying to get it 100% reliable, but it looks to be able to serve as a offsite backup of the events

So this isnt the end solution I think
It looks like it cannot upload larger clips (Telegram seems to have a 50MB limit), so still missing event videos :frowning:

megasync the frigate media folder & db, so it cloud backup as its running.
beware this will use up 100% of a core on the machine. Had to get a quadcore cpu to compensate.

recovery is as simple as just setting frigate up again and downloading the backup. $5 sunscription gets you 400gb. just make sure you have more cloudstorage then frigate HDD space. Trimming the cloud is a pain in the ass.

So we hear a lot of mouse steps in the walls at night and did setup a few mouse traps in the garret but for some reason the mouse never triggered the traps. So I put a camera up there to monitor, a not so smart one. It sent me motion alerts but no snapshot or recording. So yesterday I did setup Frigate, it was kinda late so I just did some basics.

This morning I was looking at the addon, no events even though I added “mouse” to the objects. But there was some recordings… It’s a rat!

Okay so to the setup side of things. Why didnt it get that it was events? And why did it not detect that there was a… rat? There was some recordings of mice as well so it was not only a rat. I guess my config is lacking but not sure where I did wrong.

Also, is there anyway to get the recordings downloaded to the phone? Or have them added to the Plex server running on HA? I had trouble getting the video in fullscreen when watching on my iphone via the addon webpage on the HA app.

  host: ip
  user: usr
  password: psw

        - path: rtsp://filikun:psw@ip:554/stream1
            - detect
            - rtmp
      enabled: False
      width: 1280
      height: 720  
        - 0,41,0,21,0,0,419,0,411,41
        - mouse
        - person        
      enabled: True     
      enabled: True
        days: 7
        mode: motion
          default: 14
          mode: active_objects