Local realtime person detection for RTSP cameras

I also run the m.2 Coral. It’s awesome. No USB adapter hanging off the PC and the CPU runs cool with it in there.

Did you manage to fix this?

I also had my main streams set to H.256, but had the watchdog fail the whole time. Eventually discovered that FFMPEG threw errors and didn’t stream it correctly to RTMP, so I switched everything to H.264.

However, my Media Browser still can’t play the clips… :frowning:

@rpress @mrnoname

Did either of you manage to get both TPU’s working on the Dual Key E boards?
I didn’t progress any further with it as I need to compile a custom driver for Synology as you can’t install drivers the normal way.

But I got my USB one going ok.

I made this mistake too and ended up using the Android notification format. When I changed it to the iOS ones, it starting working with my DuckDNS hostname.

Just updated to beta 0.8 to allow me to save full-res clips but detect off the substream for my Reolink cameras. Frigate seems to be running and detecting fine as before. However, I can’t seem to get the HACS custom component to work to set up the cameras/sensors etc. I can define these manually.

Steps taken:

  1. Added https://github.com/blakeblackshear/frigate-hass-integration as a custom repository in HACS (as an integration)
  2. Installed the integration, files appear as expected in the “custom_components” directory.
  3. Restarted HA

The integration appears as installed on the HACS page, I see no obvious errors in the logs, but I don’t have any cameras or sensors visible. I am probably missing something obvious?

After the installation, did you go to HA configuration > integration > add integration > frigate > configure

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Initially yes - it didn’t appear. After a couple more restarts, it is now there and set up. Thanks.

Does anyone have an suggestions as to the best way to set up clips to save to a network drive? I am running HassOS inside a Proxmox VM so have limited storage space in the VM. I also have TrueNAS running in a separate VM, so can set up an SMB/NFS/FTP share easily. How would I access the network storage through HassOS?


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I have HASSOS in a VM on Unraid, I run frigate as a docker directly on Unraid. I have drive in unraid dedicated to my security cam clips and recordings. I share this out to my network using SMB. In HASSOS, I was able to mount the security cam folders into the home assistant file system (see this thread: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/mount-remote-smb-share-on-hassio/). I currently do this using an automation that runs everytime HA starts up. After this is complete the folders are available to HASSOS, its working well for me right now. I also have a node red + HA automation that runs when a new clip is created to compress and clip the clips to send out a small 10s preview over telegram.

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Thanks - that’s really helpful. I will give it a go.

I have tried the suggestions in that thread but no success. Do you mind share your config?

I use H265 but no RTMP, and get many watchdogs too. Have just enabled ffmeg & watchdog logs to investigate.

The automation is:

alias: Map Frigate Clips Drive
description: ''
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: start
condition: []
  - delay: '00:02:00'
  - service: shell_command.mount_frigate_clips_folder
mode: single

The shell command is:

mount_frigate_clips_folder: mkdir -p /config/media/security_cam/clips;mount -t cifs -o sec=none // /config/media/security_cam/clips

I don’t have any user/pass on the smb drive I use for this, if you do, you may need to change the shell command to accomodate that.

I would suggest playing around with the command in a terminal until you get it correct then you use that as your shell command. You can easily do this by using the terminal for the homeassistant docker container in the portainer hassos addon. Don’t use the terminal add-on, use the portainer add-on to access the homeassistant container terminal, I made that mistake and it threw me for a loop for a while.

After this you should be able to access whatever folder you mapped from HA

So will this object detection mask be able to mask out something like a parked vehicle, but still alert to a person walking up to said vehicle? I do this now in DOODS since it is quite annoying to be notified of my own vehicle in the driveway when a cloud blows by. If I’m understanding this right I’m looking forward to this one!


That’s the idea. They will be object specific, so you can have different masks for different object types.


We are using two HikVision cameras and both work in VLC. The first model works in Frigate but, changing only the IP address in config, the other model (HWI-B120H-M) returns: 401 Unauthorized.
Tried to change the password format but nothing changed.

What can I check?

Some cameras use different authentication and may not allow the method of putting the username:password into the url. Try to dig up the specs for whatever firmware your camera is on.

The url with username and password works in VLC.

Could be a strange character in the password

Password is the same of the other working model. Also tried to change to a different one but no luck.

remove $ in the password if you have, I think I had same problem.