Local realtime person detection for RTSP cameras

The clips directory size is whatever size is available in the clips folder on the host partition. That’s not set from Frigate or Docker. Unless I’m not understanding what your issue is.

du -h tells you the size that the folder is taking up. Not the size remaining. Running df -h shows you usage and remaining sizes of all your partitions.

In case anyone else is struggling getting clips working - the trick (for me) was including - clips in the roles: for the camera. (And, of course, enabling it either in the .yml or via MQTT)

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Thank you for this post - I was just enabling clips and was getting this error:

WARNING : Camera XXXXX has clips enabled, but clips is not assigned to an input.

I added ‘- clips’ to my camera roles and the warning message cleared.


hello people.
is it possibl to record also sound ?

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Can anyone explain the difference between before and after in frigate events? And, an example of when to use each of them?

I have an automation that makes Alexa announce “someone is in the driveway” when a person is detected in my driveway zone. but which condition should I use, after or before? Will the before one make the announcement quicker earlier?

          - "{{ 'zone_front' in trigger.payload_json['after']['entered_zones'] }}"


          - "{{ 'zone_front' in trigger.payload_json['before']['entered_zones'] }}"

Messages are triggered upon a detection event’s creation, update (top score change or zone change), and end. The before/after nodes in each message’s payload convey the event’s preceding status (e.g., ‘before’)… and likewise the event’s current status (‘after’). In your case, you would want to key off of ‘after’ > current_zones, as initiating a TTS based on driveway’s showing up in ‘before’ > current_zones would cause Alexa to not broadcast the recording until a subsequent message. You’ll probably still nonetheless want to consider the output of ‘before’ > current_zones in your automation, just to ensure that you won’t be triggering duplicate TTS calls

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I’ve moved to the latest version now, and it is absolutely amazing.

I have a camera above my garage which looks out over two parked cars in the driveway and then to the street, is there anyway to not record clips when there is motion and it detects my cars which are still in the driveway? Ideally i’d like to be able to record clips of cars on the street and cars if they enter the driveway

YOU!!! are my god! Thanks will try!

when i remove -an my video is completey green… does not work then… but it’s ok :slight_smile: don’t need to hear everything :stuck_out_tongue:


I tested the delay. Any way to improve it?

Testing Method - Turn on Tasmota light that I can see in the camera feed.

Watching light turn on in RL - instantaneous
Watching light turn on using Reolink app on Phone/windows 10 - < 1s second
Watching light turn on using Frigate UI (RTMP Stream) - 6 seconds
Difference between Reolink timestamp and Frigate UI (RTMP) timestamp - 6 seconds
Watching light turn on using the RTMP stream in VLC is 7 seconds
Watching light turn on using the RTSP stream in VLC is 1-1.5 seconds
Watching light turn on using Frigate UI (RTSP Stream) - 3 seconds

EDIT: Adding in other results just in case anyone stumbles across this and it helps them.

What about when watching the same RTMP/RTSP feed frigate uses with VLC or tinycam?

The stream in Frigate UI is faster than RTMP through VLC.

The RTMP stream in VLC is 7 seconds

The RTSP stream in VLC is 1-1.5 seconds!!!

I use the RTMP stream for detect rtmp record because I couldnt find a stable config with the RTSP stream for Reolink RLC-420-5MP.

Does that mean if I were to find a stable config then the RTSP stream would be quicker?

Yes. Frigate will see the same delay you see on RTMP.

Is it normal to have clips with overlapping start times, the list here is for the object: car and all from the same camera

Running on Intel NUC6CAY

    - -hwaccel
    - vaapi
    - -hwaccel_device
    - /dev/dri/renderD128
    - -hwaccel_output_format
    - yuv420p  

It seems i’m getting 2-3 clips for the same event

I’ve got a strange one, I feed my cameras into frigate via zoneminder (for now till the frigate web interface attains WAF) I use the zoneminder nph-zms to stream the content.

I updated my clips output_args to as shown below in order to record h264 clips which will actually play back.

However since changing my output_args the clips are now playable, problem is frigate records about 1 minute of footage leading up to the event and not the event itself. I’ve checked frigate alongside zoneminder and the streams are in sync so I wonder what could be happening???

clips: -f segment -segment_time 10 -segment_format mp4 -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 -c:v libx264 -an

Is there any way of using frigate on an another machine and still be able to view clips in HA?
As today i’m using a spare laptop as frigate machine. It works fine to see the events when im home, but it dont work through nabu casa.

Its quite complex, and i’ve started exploring using node-red
there is a before, and after - so you could look at the bounding box location (x,y) and based on the car not moving much - when motion is triggered if the after bounding box is about the same as the before bounding box - dont fire an alert?

This is my only issue with frigate right now, any motion causes object detection regardless if its new or not (well that an FFMPEG, as I still dont understand how it works)

this is another example of ending up with multiple overlapping clips for the same vent

To frigate, they are unique detection events. E.g., frigate detected, lost, and then re-detected the ‘same’ car several times. The thumbnails also seem to show two cars right next to each other, so blake’s explanation from a related question might apply in your case -

Any time two objects of the same type come close together, there is a chance they will be swapped. This is likely a situation where the truck was detected as a separate object, and was swapped with the truck. Until a more advanced object tracking is implemented, there is no way to solve it."