Local realtime person detection for RTSP cameras

Thank you ! You pointed me to right direction that the problem is in config :smiley:
So now it is showing the person tag, but nothing in clips or snapshots.
So with this config that you have, you have all the clips and snapshots by default?

ITS WORKING !!! thank you <3

Can somebody point me right direction now? :stuck_out_tongue:

frigate.events                 WARNING : Unable to create clip for back and event 1614209712.288225-l8ef2e. There were no cache files for this event.

The objects that the Coral is trained for is here: https://dl.google.com/coral/canned_models/coco_labels.txt

You can train and use your own models as well: https://blakeblackshear.github.io/frigate/configuration/advanced#custom-models

But you would probably be better off with generic motion detection in your case since you really want to capture everything.

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0.8.4 fixed the ā€œblinking effectsā€ on the camera page when moving the mouse over the toggle detect/clips/snapshot buttons!

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frigate.events                 WARNING : Unable to create clip for back and event 1614209712.288225-l8ef2e. There were no cache files for this event.

BUMP please help <3

So I managed to fix the reolink stream by switching to RTMP instead of RTSP. Seems to be rock solid now and I turned off mqtt for cars so Iā€™m only getting clips for cars going past but no notifications.
I upped two of the Tapo cams to 1920x1080 and slighlty overclocked the pi so it sits around 80-90% CPU with detection on on all cams. Also upped the gpu memory to 512. I had an issue with my external storage crapping out when things got busy, I think itā€™s an issue with power with the coral being on the same bus or HassOS and the driver. I had another one lying around anyway so itā€™s happy now recording to SSD.

The issue with having to use the small resolution for detection on the reolink is annoying but I can live without it. I might stick it on a docker on my other x86 machine soon anyway. I guess stream resolutions (and being able to reduce them slightly) is another issue when buying cameras and using a low power system. Will be interesting to see whatā€™s possible when we can successfully use hardware acceleration on the RPi. Would a 4K x265 camera be within the realms?

Iā€™ve only got one more slight niggle before Iā€™m happy. Detection for the Reolink cam is always switched off when I restart the container. The others stay set on. I thought it was problem in my config but Iā€™ve noticed others switch off as well, apart from one, which is always on! Weird.

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That was it!! Thank you!
How do you add multiple cams to your config?

Show us your config.yml file.

This is your config.yml. I see that you have not enabled CLIPS in camera back

        - path: rtsp://xxxx:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0&authbasic=aG9tZXNwRGUxc3RyYXRvMnNmZXJhMw==
            - detect

Test this:

        - path: rtsp://xxxx:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0&authbasic=aG9tZXNwRGUxc3RyYXRvMnNmZXJhMw==
            - detect
            - clips

You can merge together different types of animals into one big ā€œanimalā€ category. See here under ā€œCustomizing the labelmapā€ at the bottom:

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Sorry if this has been asked already, searching for nest is tough because itā€™s in so many phrases.
Anybody with the new Nest integration know how to feed their camera stream into this?
I know it seems redundant but A) I could stop paying for Nest protect with good person recognition and B) when I can, I want to replace the camera with a solution Iā€™ve proved works as well if not better than their cloud solution.


Has anyone gotten the coral m.2 b/m key working in a intel nuc with the frigate home assistant addon?

type: edgetpu
device: pci

I have one working in a dell 5050, not sure how similar everything is though. I have the m.2 in the only m.2 slot on the mb, using an SATA SSD for storage.

Does this support an HLS feed? If so, maybe it can snag the home assistant stream provided by the front end. (I expect not and it just supports rtsp)

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Might be RTSP only.
At least thatā€™s all the documentation mentions.
I suppose one of my wyze cams can be my test subject for the eventual replacement of my Nest Hello.

It supports anything ffmpeg can accept as an input, so yes it can read HLS along with nearly any source of video you can imagine.

The m.2 and pci versions require the driver on the host according to the documentation on coral.ai

So @keithcroshaw maybe as a test: can you grab the initial HLS url that home assistant serves to your browser and see if it works? (e.g. snag using chrome developer tools).

Would that be like:

It would be a url that points to your home assistant instance and ends with something like .m3u (e.g. turn in developer tools and visit your home assistant url and grab the first one)