I didn’t tested a lot at the moment. I’m still trying to setup masks, detect etc. I wll use it to just 3 cams on my balconies so I don’t think it will produce a lot of work. It would be GREAT if Face Detection and Recognition will be added. At the moment I’m studing this soluton
This could bring room detection to another level !
You seem to be trying it from within the container, whereas I’m doing it from the host box itself - with the Supervised install anyway, it maps /usr/share/hassio/media from the host, to the containers.
thank you for hints, no file or directory hassio in usr share on HASSOS.
So the files are on the HASSOS or in the container? How does the docker link/mount work on run
I am not able to edit the host options from the HASSOS and i cant see in portainer
Okay so i see
bind /mnt/data/supervisor/media /media
This mean that the whole /media on the host is mounted to the container?!
Will try to figure out how to mount the media whole folder to NAS in the HASSOS
Perhaps this is the directory on the host OS then?
I don’t personally use the media directory, for anything other than Frigate - so I’m ok with replacing the entire media directory with an external mount.
container homeassistant has mounted it fine i see remote files
The GUI media browser did mounted it fine i see remote files
But the container frigate not able and dont see it…
You find out container id’s at the shell prompt by typing docker ps or looking for the container identifier in portainer. I think there is a way to use the name of the container instead of the id, but I’m getting out of my depth. I am also not sure which smb dependencies may be missing from the non-core docker containers. In some respects, each container should be thought of like a separate windows pc.