Local realtime person detection for RTSP cameras

I’ll give that a try thanks.

Hi! Moved frigate to a more powerful server… It’s running pretty nice and I started to change my -detect streams to Hi-Res…
This is my Reolink camera when using Hi-Res stream… Any one know the cause?
Using RTMP streams and my other 4 reolink cams works without issues.

Is this live view or recorded

Live. Seen in the frigate web ui…
Strange part is that when viewing in DEBUG it’s crisp and clear. This only occurs at LIVE view.

This project is amazing! Thank you for the hard work. I got my system setup using docker and it has worked great thus far. I am watching the project on Github and see all of the emails, you have the patience of Job. A question for you is if your system can handle it, does it pay to increase resolution of the camera? The clips of the people detected are sometimes pretty blurry if the person if far from the camera. I thought I recalled seeing something that Frigate has a fixed resolution for the clips, is that correct?

I am using GitHub - FiveLeavesLeft/WyzeCameraLiveStream: Hack to allow live streaming from wyze cameras to vlc or mpv on your desktop. for my WyzeCam V3 (I don’t use audio) but I haven’t seen any errors. My camera config in Frigate:

        - -avoid_negative_ts
        - make_zero

        - path: http://192.168.1.xxx:12345
            - clips
            - detect
            - rtmp
            - record
    #width: 1280
    #height: 960
    width: 1920
    height: 1080
    fps: 5
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I see above there is a link to optimization above.

In order to use quicksync for hardware acceleration, I moved my Frigate install from HASS addon to an independent LXC proxmox container. Coral m2 and quicksync is working great, and CPU usage is low and nice. So far, so good…

I get that iFrame stuff needs a bit of a work around, but wanted to ask what people do about media browser when they run a separate Frigate instance (not the HASS addon)? Another reason I moved to LXC was to easily mount my NAS for storage…

I am looking at migrating my motioneye/deepstack set up over to Frigate as it seems to do both the motion detection and Ai in the one rather than passing commands back and forth. Can you or anyone else that might have made this transition comment on any pros but more importatntly cons of using Frigate compared to motioneye/deepstack?

I can’t seem to get clips to save.
I’ve got snapshots and person detection working now that I have a good RTSP camera on my front porch.

  Basement Sump Pit:
        - path: rtsp://USERNAME:PASS@IP/live
            - detect
            - rtmp
          #  - clips
          #  - record
    width: 1920
    height: 1080
    fps: 5
  #Backyard Gate:
  #  ffmpeg:
  #    inputs:
  #      - path: rtsp://USERNAME:PASS@IP/live
  #        roles:
  #          - detect
  #          - rtmp
  #          - clips
  #          - record
  #  width: 1920
  #  height: 1080
  #  fps: 5
  Front Door Camera:
        - path: rtsp://USERNAME:PASS@IP:PORT/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0
            - detect
            - rtmp
            - clips
            - record
    width: 2560
    height: 1920
    fps: 5
            - person
        mask: 779,1448,346,1340,0,1345,0,0,2560,0,2560,1448
      # Required: enables clips for the camera (default: shown below)
      # This value can be set via MQTT and will be updated in startup based on retained value
      enabled: true
      # Optional: Number of seconds before the event to include in the clips (default: shown below)
      pre_capture: 5
      # Optional: Number of seconds after the event to include in the clips (default: shown below)
      post_capture: 5
      # Optional: Objects to save clips for. (default: all tracked objects)
        - person
      # Optional: Restrict clips to objects that entered any of the listed zones (default: no required zones)
      required_zones: []
      # Optional: Camera override for retention settings (default: global values)
        # Required: Default retention days (default: shown below)
        default: 10
        # Optional: Per object retention days
          person: 15

    type: cpu

Any ideas?
Not really sure if required zones is tripping it up, not sure what to do there, I have no zones.
I feel like I removed that line and it failed to start.
Might be poorly indented as I’m not understanding where it should go?
It runs as is but no clips are recorded.



I recently moved over to Frigate from Zone Minder and have fallen in love. I have skimmed this thread and did some searches regarding virtualization and did not find an answer to my question.

I have an HP ML310 Gen8 v2 running XCP-NG and several VMs, including one for Home Assistant (setup from the VirtualBox vdi). I have managed to get the basics of Frigate up and running with some trial and error. I would like to add a Coral TPU to improve performance. I know that getting the USB version and plugging it right in will likely not work without the addition of a PCI-E USB card. I’m thinking if I need to open up the server of just installing an adapter card and a M.2 pcie Coral instead.

So my questions are as follows:

  • Has anyone managed to do this in XCP-NG? If so any feedback would be great.
  • Is there a list of compatible adapter cards somewhere?


Hi to everybody,
is there anyone willing to share a suggestion on how to start and stop Frigate from the Overview page of the web UI? I do it with an automation in following way:

service: hassio.addon_start (stop)
  addon: ccab4aaf_frigate

and the automation gets triggered from an input boolean toggled from the Overview page, but it seems to me it fails sometime …
Thank you

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I bought a mini pcie Coral chip by mistake. New unused in box if you’re interested. I run proxmox myself, and had no issues passing through the m2 version to a VM, later migrating to containers which also worked fine. Would imagine it’s the same for XCP-NG

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@tokyotexture I could be interested in your extra Coral. We should touch base directly.

Glad to hear it can work in a VM, will have to figure out how to pass it on to the VM.

Should be pretty much the same as passing through a GPU, so I would start there. A quick google yields XCP-ng 7.5.0 PCI pass through | TrueNAS Community . Seems straightforward enough.

Looks pretty straight forward to me. Just need to get a Coral and an adapter board and give it a go. Did you need to install any drivers in the VM?

Which model did you get by mistake? Any recommendations on adapter boards?

Be carefull,i thought it will be easy,vut i had a problem with iommu groups. Coral was bound with other essentional periferies like ssd or network int adapter. So the solution was to add additional pci card for host OS ssd,then the iommu group was free for pci coral (with adapter that nobody was saying about xD that the minipci is not compatible with the small pci on MB xD)

I use Frigate to record the clips.
I tried to add this code

  clips: -f segment -segment_time 10 -segment_format mp4 -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 -c copy

to record the audio as well, but unfortunately I can no longer view the cam, but only a green screen.
What is the right procedure for recording clips with audio?

@tokyotexture I am going through the same process moving Frigate from HAOS addon to a separate docker container. I just found out that the HA frigate integration also pulls the frigate clips into the media browser. Instead of pointing the integration at the addon, i just pointed it at the ip/port of the frigate docker container.

I’m running HAOS in VM on unraid and frigate in a separate docker container, fyi.

EDIT: next step will be setting up Authelia w/ 2FA to access frigate via nginx proxy manager from outside my network.

Right you are! I just realized I was setting things up and only had snapshots so far when I tested the media browser…no wonder everything was empty! d’oh :slight_smile:

Everything working great in a separate container so far, and nice to be able to manage things outside of HAOS.

I’m in the same boat in the sense of having to set up a reverse proxy with some sort of authentication. I was thinking traefik. Authelia looks interesting, but hoping to keep things as simple as possible without being terribly insecure. Maybe Traefik + google authentication + duckdns + let’s encrypt…sometimes I really do wish things were a bit more turn key…