Local realtime person detection for RTSP cameras

Also, if you don’t have a dedicated 3.0 port per device, I had to make sure I was using an externally powered 3.0 Hub, otherwise when the FPS ramped up often one would crash/disappear.

I’m having a hell of a time with Frigate at the moment. It’s up and running perfectly well in a docker with Coral USB. My only issue is that I have a camera at my front door where I park my car. Despite having in place an object mask, Frigate continually detects the car and creates an event for it even if the car hasn’t moved for days. It’s not the end of the world but it’s incredibly irritating particularly as my config file (as seen below) appears to be correct. What am I missing?

        - path: rtsp://xxx:[email protected]:554/11
            - detect
            - rtmp
            - clips
            - record
        - person
        - car
        - truck
        - bicycle
        - motorcycle
        - dog
        - cat
            - 988,793,1474,399,1409,271,891,101,519,184,26,555,109,933
            - 0,42,708,0,701,96,0,330
    width: 1920
    height: 1080
    fps: 3
      enabled: True
      enabled: True
      enabled: True

I think you need to add the motion mask to do what you are asking:

I’ve already tried that with no joy. And according to the docs, motion and object masks are two different things.

Mine seems to work and I have it in the config like this:

        - path: >-
            rtsp://user:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=2
            - detect
    height: 720
    width: 1280
    fps: 5
      - 231,268,652,210,944

Mask is truncated because it has waaaay more numbers in it, but maybe this formatting will help.
The docs have changed quite a lot as Frigate has grown, but this is what works for me.

Yep - you need to object mask, but make sure that the mask covers the bottom-centre of the bounding box of the car detection area (this is the key).

In my garage, with the camera facing towards the door/street, the car parked front facing towards the camera, I object mask perhaps the bottom 10% of the entire image - so this covers the nose of the car and thus the bottom centre of any bounding box.

This way it detects the car as it enters the garage, as the bottom-centre of the bounding box is detected earlier when coming into the garage, but not the car when its in the garage.

That may have been the issue - ensuring the mask covers the bottom centre of the bounding box. I’d been following the car outline quite tightly and the mask was mainly within the bounding box. I’ve changed the mask and so far, so good… Thanks!

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You can often just get away with strips for object masks, in my experience, as long as it covers the bottom centre of the bounding box.

For example, green being the object mask

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Can anybody help me with this issue? Thanks you so much.

What’s the video resolution of your camera? Did you set the width and height of your input video stream correctly in your config file? This sort of glitching usually happens when the resolution in the config doesn’t match the input resolution.

where can i check with FFprobe my stream. where should i enter this command?

hey @joselito1 i’m interested in setting this up as well - any chance there’s a guide you could link to? I’m unfamiliar with nginx but would like to be able to access Frigate in an iFrame within HA.

Can I change the directory to which clips and recordings are stored? I have a mounted drive I’d like them to go on.

Just change bind mount location

I’m using the integration, I don’t have a docker container to manipulate.

supervised install, just edit fstab on the host:

/dev/usb-storage/ha-media /usr/share/hassio/media ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1

The location is /usr/share/hassio/media

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I’m not much of a linux guy, so I don’t think I understand. As far as I’ve read it’s not possible to edit the fstab on HASSOS, that it doesn’t survive a restart.

Can Frigate not be changed?

It’s not working anyway. I mounted to the Frigate folder and Frigate took a dump.

Hi all, could anyone please point me at a working example of using Frigate with a Wyze v2 running the official RTSP firmware?
I looked at the documentation but could not configure my stream properly to be recognized by Frigate.

Not sure if this would work or not, but you could try the portainer addon. I know you’ll be able to see all the containers, just not sure if you can edit the addon mountpoints with it and if those mountpoints will persist through updates of the addon.