Local realtime person detection for RTSP cameras

What’s wrong with this config?

2022-04-16 22:16:35] ffmpeg.doorbird.detect         ERROR   : [http @ 0x55aa63f340] HTTP error 401 Unauthorized
[2022-04-16 22:16:35] ffmpeg.doorbird.detect         ERROR   : Server returned 401 Unauthorized (authorization failed)
[2022-04-16 22:16:36] frigate.video                  ERROR   : doorbird: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
[2022-04-16 22:16:36] frigate.video                  ERROR   : doorbird: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture
        - path:
          - detect
              - -avoid_negative_ts
              - make_zero
              - -fflags
              - nobuffer
              - -flags
              - low_delay
              - -strict
              - experimental
              - -fflags
              - +genpts+discardcorrupt
              - -r
              - "5" # <---- adjust depending on your desired frame rate from the mjpeg image
              - -use_wallclock_as_timestamps
              - "1"
        detect: -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p

401 error…is it correct link and most likely is user/pass authorized to view

Did you check link in VLC or some other method?

via Browser this URL works fine:

but not in the VLC (network stream)

It seems it’s a Doorbird problem?

I use this for my doorbird in Frigate:

        - path: 'rtsp://doorbirdusername:[email protected]:554/mpeg/media.amp'

I have a Frigate only user set up in the Doorbird app

I get the same error

[2022-04-17 10:31:53] ffmpeg.doorbird.detect         ERROR   : [rtsp @ 0x55987606d0] method DESCRIBE failed: 401 Unauthorized
[2022-04-17 10:31:53] ffmpeg.doorbird.detect         ERROR   : rtsp://doorbirdusername:[email protected]:554/mpeg/media.amp: Server returned 401 Unauthorized (authorization failed)

Does the rtsp link work in VLC?

rtsp://doorbirdusername:[email protected]:554/mpeg/media.amp

(Obviously replacing username and password with those setup from the Doorbird app)

I have changed the doorbirdsusername and doorbirdpassword into my data from the doorbird app :wink:

but in VLC I get this result as a pop up:

If I put the doorbirdpasswort into, it does’nt work.

but in my Browser (Firefox) this URL works fine:

I am a little bit confused…

Only other things I can think of:
I have “Watch always” selected under user permissions in Doorbird app, and “External video service (NVR)” switched on under Doorbird Connect in the app.

I have also “watch always” and “External video service (NVR)” switched on and an reboot of doorbird.

But I doesn’t change something in the VLC

One thing to try is changing the frame rate in the camera so they are both 5 fps in the camera as well as the frigate config.

Maybe I am just missed but there is a camera entity for birdseye? Would be awesome

You can do it with the frigate card if you are using the integration.

I found the problem, you need in the doorbird app an separate user for frigate…thats all :wink:

Glad you’ve solved it! I mentioned that in my first reply, but could have been clearer I suppose!:blush:

discovered today that Stream to Roku does not change video to compatible resolution so my 2592x1944 camera stream must be converted to 1920x1080 to work.

Anyone know how to make RTMP adjust streams using ffmpeg?

What is the recommended/best way of filtering out Frigate mqtt events when setting up notifications? I’m doing it in node-red but guess this is relevant if using automatons as well. Currently I have 3 filter setup after the mqtt in node.

payload.type = new
payload.after.id = block unless value changes
Rate limit 1 msg per 60s (delay node)

While it’s working, I’m sure there must be a better way.


I’m doing it the same way as you. I would have thought there would be a way to do you it in the Frigate config, but I didn’t see a setting for it.


I’m using this automation to send notification when motion is detected.

I noticed that the notification is send when the presence is ended.

Maybe is linked to this condition “{{ trigger.payload_json[“type”] == “end” }}”

There’s a way to receive notification when the person begins to be detected?

Hi folks,
Set up this fantastic tool in a docker on synology (no coral) and everything works flawlessly with cheap Tapo cameras.

I’m looking though at a way to show a continuous live view (also low FPS is ok) of three concurrent camera streams - originally I thought of using the Frigate Lovelace card in HA to load the three streams, and while it works the performance hit on the Rpi3 hosting HA (OS) is severe.

Any recommendations on improving performance on the HA dashboard for the streams? Should I reduce the FPS of the RTMP streams directly in Frigate or can some tweaking be done in the card config?
Alternatively other than live view perhaps a static image refreshing every second or so, but not sure it’s a better solution performance-wise.

Other than that… alternatives to HA for live view?

Image is definitely better performance wise than live video

If pi received stream in required resolution/format that can help greatly.