Local realtime person detection for RTSP cameras

I’ve finally managed to work out how to mount an external drive under Media in HAOS (or whatever it’s called now :joy:) - it mounts as a folder which is the same as it’s volume/partition name
Looking at the Frigate docs, there’s no way to specify a different folder for storing recordings?
Can I just delete the Frigate-created “frigate” folder under Media, rename my USB drive volume “frigate” and then reboot? Will Frigate see the USB drive and just use that instead of trying to create it’s own folder?
I guess the answer is “just try it” but I don’t want to screw up my whole setup!!
Plan B is just to get a 2nd computer to use as a Docker host for Frigate & other stuff, may be the best idea in the long run…

As long as storage exists at expected path the application will not care if it is Hdd, usb or sdcard.

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Whats everyones thoughts on 4k vs 1080p for cameras? worth spending more and having 4k or is it okay to just stick with 1080?

Just got a coral so looking to get this setup and my current cameras (Reolink 520 and anke c800) do not seem to work with frigate.

I don’t use them, but I think the Reolinks recently received an update to allow choosing 2 different streams. This is useful since its recommended to use a low quality stream for object detection and the high quality stream for recording and event captures

Does anyone know what I need to do to make my RTSP camera feeds show up quicker in Lovelace dashboards? Can take a good 5s sometimes.
I’ve seen people talk about using the “preload_stream” option with the camera integration, but I’m not sure how that would be applied using Frigate (if at all possible)?

Hi eveyone :slight_smile:

I am successfully using Frigate addon on HAOS inside a VM in TrueNAS Core 12.0-U8for the last few months. The information found here has helped a lot.
Number of cameras: 11
CPU detection is used for Frigate - an Intel I9-11900.
Inference speeds are between 27 and 35.

Now i managed to get my hands on a USB Coral.
I searched hi and low but could not find a sort of tutorial that my old brain cells could follow. I get that the general idea would be to passthrough the USB Coral to the VM and do something there.

As it happens I also have a 4 port External USB 3.0 PCI Express card i could use if neccessary, It is a Rosewill RC-508.

Can anyone help with a sort of tutorial on how to set this up so i don’t mess up my HAOS installation please ?

Thank you !

This is HA issue not frigate and bit certain it is issue or just normal

All streams have delay to live view but not sure where it from

So a little update after many hours of fiddling.

I installed the PCIe USB controller and i think i have managed to passthrough the entire controller to HA with the help of TrueNAS Core PCI passthrough to VM - USB to Windows 10 - YouTube

The controller has 4 USB ports.

Did i do it correctly ?

Next i plugged in the Coral USB and rebooted. But the TPU doesn’t seem to show anywhere.

Do i need some drivers or what do i need to do next please ?

New update:

Seems that it works and no drivers or anything else was needed. I just modified the frigate.yaml to use the TPU and:

My current ffmpeg config is:

    - -hide_banner
    - -loglevel
    - info
    -avoid_negative_ts make_zero -fflags +genpts+discardcorrupt -rtsp_transport tcp -stimeout 5000000 -use_wallclock_as_timestamps 1
    detect: -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p
# encode audio to aac
#    record: -f segment -segment_time 10 -segment_format mp4 -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 -c copy -an
#    rtmp: -c copy -f flv -c:v copy -c:a aac
# disable audio   
    record: -f segment -segment_time 10 -segment_format mp4 -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 -c copy -an
    rtmp: -c copy -an -f flv
    - -hwaccel
    - qsv
    - -qsv_device
    - /dev/dri/renderD128
    type: edgetpu

Do i need to change something here or is it good like this ?

Try The WebRTC integration , zero delay on stream , and with audio…

So you are saying to stop using the rtmp role in Frigate and switch to WebRTC for live view ?

In rest, all the ffmpeg settings are ok for Coral ? they seemed ok for the CPU , but do they need any modification now that the TPU is installed ?


@Momo - I believe Tyrian81 was trying to respond to zil0g, for the question on how to load camera feeds faster in Lovelace.

So nothing to do with your Coral + Frigate discussion.

Ha true:) Still would appreciate if someone could look over what i did and tell me if i need to change something.

hey @ebendl
I’m strugling with configure hikvision cameras thats connected to hikvision nvr.
Install frigate on docker, and get:
“ERROR unable to read frames”

Can you share your configuration?

Hate to ask again, but since there is no answer. I had the addon long long time ago. Removed it from homeassistant and also removed from the repository (addon store). I run frigate on a separate machine.

But my supervisor log in homeassistant is still populated with:

22-07-04 14:28:56 WARNING (SyncWorker_6) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on have full device access, and selective device access in the configuration. Please report this to the maintainer of Frigate NVR (Full Access)
22-07-04 14:28:56 WARNING (SyncWorker_4) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on have full device access, and selective device access in the configuration. Please report this to the maintainer of Frigate NVR (Full Access)

What is that?

I have this for many many addons I have tried over the years and later uninstalled.
No answer for why, but it isn’t unique to the frigate addon.

In the example describe in Avoiding stationary objects | Frigate works great for only recording events in Zone2. But what I want is to only record “car” events for Zone2 and “person” events everywhere else. How can I configure zones for this?

Did you ever figure this out ? I still cant find it

How are you guys rendering these graphs for your install ?

I turned off car detection, have not really gone back and tried to make it work
A combination of zones and stuff has helped with people in the wrong zone mostly