Local Tuya : Blitzwolf Diffuser via Lovelace

Can someone help me how to configure my diffuser model: kcl_m1803a_m.
This is the DP:

dpID 2 device mode: 0 = off / 1 = continuous / 2 = intermittent / 3 = timer
dpID 4 set timer (180 min max) not needed with Tasmota, there’s a Timer function
dpID 6 light control: 0 = off / 1 = rgb cycle / 2 = white / 3 = single color
dpID 7 led dimmer
dpID 8 led color: 14 char value in hex (can define only RGB and send HSV value as max: RRGGBBffff6464 )
dpID 9 error notification: 70 = ok / 1 = error
dpID 101 mist strength: 0 = low / 1 = high

I really need your help.
