(local)Tuya Smart Plug goes 'unavailable' for 7min once or twice a day

I have a large collection of Tuya devices. The plugs are crap, but not always, depending on the chip and manufacturer. The Wi-Fi bulbs are crap in my experience, and so are the projectors and some switch modules. The IR+RF receiver, wall switches, light dimmers, curtain motors and curtain modules are rock solid. All the Zigbee sensors work great too. The same complaints are raised about Sonoff too, which makes me think it’s the hardware and not the company. Specific chips are to blame. Beken chips are being named and shamed, be it Tuya or Sonoff.

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Local Tuya does no work and also cloud Tuya is not working.

This is so frustrating to see both NEDIS and DENVER Tuya capable power plugs showing like this. Those “entity not available” are from cloud tuya. After few latest HA updates entities are gone. Well at least it shows power on and off status.
Those lower two entities are from local Tuya and after few minutes they are offline. What a waste of time and money.

It is very frustrating indeed. Even within the same brand. I have 4 Tuya “LSC Smart Connect” bulbs. 4 of them work (almost) flawlessly with localtuya. 2 (older ones) of them are a constant headache and are more ‘unavailable’ than they are working. Pretty much unusable.

With Smart Plugs it’s also hit and miss.

Here was how I fixed mine. I noticed that even with the smart plug very close to the wifi AP, it was periodically unavailable. I noticed that these devices run on 2.4GHz but are very unstable on what channel it is running on. Turns out that every time the device goes unavailable, my wifi AP changes the 2.4 GHz wifi channel, for example, channels 4 to 6. How I fixed my problem was setting the router to constantly stay at channel 1 of tf the 2.4ghz band, it seem to work the best. I can think of other solutions as well, such as making a separate 2.4 GHz network assuming the router supports it and making it stay at a specified channel, that separate network is then only used to connect “smart” devices.

Ps. If you are having a range/stability issue, channel 1 of the 2.4 GHz seems to work the best for some reason.

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I was facing a similar issue. Both my devices were frequently getting disconnected every 5 mins or so. Tried creating and deleting tuya iot projects, even kept a separate wifi router for the tuya devices, still getting the frequent disconnection issue. This was on home assistant 2023.8.1 using local Tuya v 5.2.1. finally found a perfect fix for this issue. I downgraded to local Tuya 4.1.1 and while configuring the devices I set the scan interval to 1 second and manually the dps points separated by commas and bam. Everything is working fine and not a single disconnection. It’s been 36 hours and the connection is very very stable without a single disconnection.

I hope this helps other users put there. I wasted nearly 4 days behind resolving this issue on my Home Assistant setup

I will give this a try. I sort off just learned to live with it by now and started getting zigbee instead of wifi for all new devices I buy. But it would be nice if my old tuya wifi plugs and bulbs would stop going offline for a while constantly. Usually it’s not when I need them. But every now and then I get a shout from a housemate “my light isn’t turning on (or off)”.