Logitech Media Server TTS Notify Queue


I recently installed logitec media server v8.2.0 and squeezelite on my rasp pi 4b

If a song is being played from a playlist and a tts message is played out, the song is not resumed after the tts rather a random track is played from the Playlist(Random is turned on for the playlist).

Any fixes for this please guide …


Really like this plugin. Since I have last.fm don’t stop the music running on various LMS players I get a bit of a weird situation when the music is not active and an announcement is made (e.g. doorbell). Basically what happens, the playlist Doorbell is triggered but immediately additional songs are added to this playlist. Luckily this is cut after 5-10 seconds but I rather only have the doorbell. Is there a way this can be done? Add an empty sound to the doorbell playlist? Open to all options :wink:


Is this script still maintained? @floris-b I cant get it to work, see my last post.

@ jkasten80 Hi, Please share your automation and config-info so we can see what the issue is.

I don’t know if it helps but you can turn on/off DSTM (Don’t stop the music = logitech media player plugin) with the squeezebox.call_query. Here’s an example:

service: squeezebox.call_query
  command: playerpref
    - plugin.dontstopthemusic:provider
  entity_id: media_player.radio

service: squeezebox.call_query
  command: playerpref
    - plugin.dontstopthemusic:provider
    - 0
  entity_id: media_player.radio

So if you turn off DSTM before the anouncement en turn it on after. So you can prevent that a previous saved playlist will begin playing again. However i never use this after installing the LMS TTS Notify intergration by floris-b.

sync does not work well with small audio files so all players are unsyc before the notify and resync after it

I don’t use the plugin, but probably something to do the issue @mn_box is having
@mn_box try to disable it and report back

@jkasten80 post your debug log

Super Cadster, this is indeed what I need to do. Turning it off works, but turning it back on doesn’t. Do you know what other parameter options I can give? Turning it on now results into below (i.e. nothing gets selected). I would like to use the LastMix - based on last.fm. Thanks!

Never mind, got it looking at the HTML code I found the parameters. Big thanks Cadster!!!

Good that you found it! For others, these are the options:

PLUGIN_LASTMIX_DSTM_ITEM    -   LastMix - Don't Stop The Music support using Last.fm.

I made some changed to the integration so Don’t Stop The Music is turned off and on automatic
Made some other changes but did not do a lot of testing, squeezebox join and unjoin is replaced by media_player join and unjoin in the future
Maybe I publish as is because don’t have a lot of time at the moment


Thanks for the new version (v0.3.14) and intergrating Don’t Stop The Music!!!

Could an intentional silence in front of the notify be used to sync the players ahead of the notify?

Perhaps you can send your notification to a defined group of mediaplayers. There’s a lms plugin for that wich you can find in the slimdevices-forum. And here a solution wich is a bit different but can be an inspiration.

Interesting, I may try this. Thanks for the suggestion.

Just wanted to thank @floris-b (and everyone). Setting the playlist location in LMS is what got this working for me. (which is actually in the readme!)

Is there any change to get the resume working with the Bookmark plugin? Or another way to resume the position of the currently playing track instead of playing from the beginning? Especially when playing a podcast or audiobook, starting at the beginning is better than an empty playlist, but not quite seamless.

resume position does not work for streaming sources and only local files in LMS

Thanks floris. I’m assuming that does include media from network mounted (nfs) drives?

I’m using the group players plugin and I’ve set my ‘media_player’ to a group player created with this plugin. Would this potentially have anything to do with not resuming the position? It resumes the correct track. Narrowed it down to these two, will test the group player one myself and report back.

Super Floris-b!

One more question: when playing music the TTS service notification works perfectly and the music continues where after the playlist is done. But with a playlist loaded that is on pause it doesn’t. In this scenario the TTS playlist is played once and remains as default playlist. Is there a way to also get this returned to the playlist that was previously loaded?
