Looking for ESP32 board with external WiFi antenna & relay module

Like the title, I’m looking for a pre-made ESP32 board that has both an external WiFi antenna and DC relay. I’ve found several with the latter on both AliExpress and Amazon, but cannot find a similar board that has an external antenna.

I only need to control a single, 12V DC circuit.

Does anyone know if something like this already exists, or do I need to build my own?

This might be useful:

I never saw an ESP with external wifi antenna myself.

This is by far your best bet. Requires opening the case for initial flashing but it’s pretty easy:

There are, but usually come with several relays:

If you only need one, it’s probably more convenient to just buy 1CH 3.3V relay module and use Esp32 board of your choice.


For a single relay (but no antenna), I bought this one on Aliexpress

This is overkill, but it’s very reasonably priced for what you get.

Thank you… this is exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks for this…

Quinled makes good stuff.

Attach a relay board, done.

I’m looking for almost the same except I’d prefer AC powered (120V)! Dont suppose you found anything with and AC input and external antenna on your travels did you?