Looking for Life360 alternative for presence detection for home alarm

Sorry, I replied on the main thread
"I check my log, and it’s said: Circles& Members list retrieval cancelled. :man_shrugging: "

No problem. Let’s finish the discussion in the other topic.

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I’m not sure what the issue is. I even used a new email account and had the same issue.

But then just used the new email/pw to login to integration and it worked. Not sure why it wont log me in the website, tried password reset, but didnt even get an email notification.

This is working for me! Thanks!

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I’m getting the following error while attempting to add the integration. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Did you install version 0.5.0 of the integration and then restart HA? Are you getting any errors in the system log?

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If I remember right, I got this error when I had remnants of the original integration in /config/life360. I think I just removed it but Phil should know the proper way.

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It looks like i had used one of your previous mods and had a random life360 directory in condig and custom mods. deleted both, restarted HA, readded the integration and it’s working fine now. Thanks!

Yeah, that wasn’t random, but it was a work around to previous issues the integration had. It was a pre-released version of the life360 pypi.org package. And, yes, deleting it was the right thing to do. You didn’t have to delete /config/custom_components/life360, but since you reinstalled it and its working now, you should be good to go.

I wouldn’t have thought the old workaround in /config/life360 would have caused this particular error, but who knows. In any case, anyone that still has a /config/life360 folder, DELETE IT.