Looking for smart wall mount dog door

I’m looking to see if anyone has recommendations for a smart wall mount dog door.
The requirements would be:

  • Big enough for a 50lb dog to pass through
  • Preferably not battery powered (I’m building a new house so might as well wire it up)
  • Has some sort of wifi/zigbee/z-wave function or some way to hook it up to homeassistant
  • Ideally it’d be awesome to use their microchip to open the door but if it needs a device added to their collar, the smaller the better.

The main thing I’m wanting to be able to do is have it locked overnight and then have the door unlock at a specific time like 8:00am so the dogs can go outside and run around unless the weather says it’s raining in which case the door would stay open and send me a notification to take them out manually so they don’t get the house filthy.

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We’ve had this door for over a decade. No complaints, except for having to play with the stickers to use generic collar transmitter batteries in place of their proprietary ones. This third-party HA integration is awesome:


Yea that was one of the ones I was looking at. My main concern with it was the size of the collar box thing seems a bit large. Also it’s a bit ugly imo (looks like from the 90’s). But I also haven’t seen anything else yet that seems to check all the boxes so there may not be much choice. I’ve also been looking at these other options to see if they might work:


I should add that I have no experience with the HitecPet door and a 75 pound dog. We have the smaller door, and our OCD psycho dog is only 16 pounds.

Training to use it is almost not required. When a dog walks towards the door, it slides open and they naturally go through it. We’ve had two other dogs visit over the years, and they also figured it out right away if we put our spare transmitter on their collar…

Yea, I haven’t really seen a ton of great options. Currently I’m thinking maybe the best option is to get the hitech door and after installing it, later replace the ultrasonic sensor with an rfid sensor so it can be a small tag on my dog’s collars that doesn’t require batteries. Also, I might 3d print or woodwork a new cover plate instead of the white one that comes with it since it looks very 90’s.

There are examples of DIY dog guillotines, er, I mean dog doors on the web. Just make sure to incorporate some sort of emergency reversing logic into your creation, like is used in automobile power windows…

Yea. I wouldn’t necessarily mind DIY but I don’t think I’ll have time to make a solution before it’d be needed to install in the house during construction and being able to put something in while the walls are still open is a plus even if it gets modified or replaced later.

any update on this? any new hardware? or perhaps DIYs?