I found my old IP! 124! I found it in my router’s old devices list. But that’s where the good news ends. I manually changed the IP to the old one and it still doesn’t work. I’m starting to doubt if my ports are actually open. When I check it online it seems closed. I saw in other posts that some ISP don’t open ports or only with a extra fee but I called TNG (my provider) and they say that port forwarding isn’t a problem
And http://homeassistant.local:8123
is also unreachable so is the problem even at the ports?
Because it is outside the allowed range in your new router. Unless you changed it.
Port forwarding has nothing to do with local access.
Fix your IP range.
I already changed the range. The VM has the right IP but I can’t connect to it. Not on the local address and not on the external address.
The address is exactly the same as it used to be.
And shouldn’t I be able to connect to the local address no matter if my ports are opened correctly?
Ignore the external. Fix the internal first.
According to your screen shots above your home assistant has the following IPv4 details:
What are your current router settings?
Is there not something he has to change in Virtual Box regarding networking?
@eingespielt: like Tom says, first make sure your LAN (internal communication between hosts) does work.
Decide which network scheme/range you want to use.
If you can/want to change the default scheme from your new setup and use what it was before, you have to know what it was
Using DHCP (setting IP’s on your LAN automatically) can solve these kind of issues BUT you have to be aware that this can be a bit of a problem with servers because you have to know the new IP address.
Setting IP addresses manually can give you more insight of your network.
Okay I “fixed” the local problem. When trying to connect locally I accidentally connected to HTTP instead of HTTPS I know very dumb mistake but at least I have access locally now. Unfortunately external access is still broken. I’m really doubting the ISP person I spoke to on the phone today. Ports should be open but there not.
I set the open Port to be 443 and internal at the divice is 8123. To make the access easier. It used to work that way for me.
I also checked the DuckDNS domain with a Lookup. It’s my public IP
Excellent. You’re making progress.
Also good. This means no CGNAT, which would be an issue. It also means the DuckDNS addon is working.
Let’s check if your port is accessible. Using a PC on your network visit this page: GRC | ShieldsUP! — Internet Vulnerability Profiling
Click the proceed button then the orange exposure test button.
Is port 443 open?
You have to make a port re-direct I think.
Public side port 443 and local side 8123.
If you navigate to https://your-domain.com it use the route via DuckDNS to your router.
Your router have to re-direct the 443 traffic to 8123.
but isn’t that that what I’m doing?
(Set my router to english now)
“Port to device” is the VM (8123)
and “Port requested externally” is 443 (https)
Or am I wrong?
Is the local IP of Home Assistant correct?
because tom_l mentioned
Well spotted. Yeah that’s not right in the port forwarding rule and needs to be fixed.
However the port should still scan as open even with that mistake.
Yes. was the one that DHCP gave to the VM after switching to the old correct range (192.168.188.xx → 192.168.178.xx). I found the old VM IP in the device list (
When I found it I switched it back to the IP it used to have ( → The IP I’m using to connect locally.
Sorry for the confusion.
Seeing as the IP actually is the right one it should work
Jetzt aber I think the IP is correct Tom
I think he means that he switched from > to with the below sentence.
I don’t know a solution to this one Julius
Yeah that’s what I was trying to say. Sorry for the further confusion. is my local IP for the VM
I’m really starting to think that the guy I was talking to on the phone the other day had no idea what he was talking about. I tried calling yesterday and today again but I didn’t get anyone on the line.
Is it possible that switching from DSL to WAN (optic fiber) makes it impossible to expose Ports?
I’m gonna try to setup a Minecraft or Rust Server tomorrow to rule out the Problem on my end.
And maybe tomorrow one of my calls gets returned
I don’t know if there will help you.
It is a ISP right?! You have a working internet connection? → Yes → Oké no problems then They don’t give a **** about any server issues in your home situation
Try following the Fritzbox manuals on the internet to open a port and don’t skip a step.
If your 100% right of the Fritzbox config, look at your server setup.
I don’t have expierience with VM machines.
No that is working always.
I did my unorthodox testing method. A Minecraft Server. My friend wasn’t able to connect so I ruled out the Home Assistant Setup.
I called the hotline again and after abit of back and forth he said “I could give you an public IPv4”. So exactly what I needed. It seems like TNG (my ISP) is not giving out public IPs for optic fiber connections if you don’t ask for it. Long story short. He made one click, after rebooting my router and restarted the DuckDNS Plugin in Home Assistant (to get the IP updated)
Believe it or not it works again!
So here’s a step by step guide on what I did for anyone experiencing the same or similar problems:
-After the switch I didn’t have local access because the IP Range of the router changed
-Change the range and Home Assistant IP back to how it used to be
-Try contacting locally with the IP of your Home Assistant (Remember it’s https not http)
-Setup the port forwarding again
-Check if ports are open (use external checking website)
If not:
-Call your ISP and make sure you have been given an public IPv4
That should fix your problems
Thanks alot to everyone helping me get to this