Lost all Zigbee devices with SkyConnect - all devices unavailable

Hi Folks,
Unfortunately, had my skyconnect usb device unplugged and have now lost all of the connectivity to devices (although the devices do show up in the dashboard, I just can’t control them anymore). They are all showing as unavailable.

I don’t know if it is plugged back into the original usb port (there are 4 on this rpi3). Does that matter? And is there anyway to get all of the devices reconnected or am I stuck trying to repair each and every device?

I have tried the “repair” utility but there is nothing to be repaired.

Any thoughts before I go through the process of recreating everything?


Did these ever come back for you?

You can see if the coordinator itself is connected in a few ways. Looking at the Zigbee logs would be a start.

It’s possible having it in a different USB slot could make a difference, but I’ve found those usually get found anyway. Can try the other slots though because what will it hurt if nothing works anyway.

Advice offered in this thread might be useful to you: Best way to troubleshoot ZHA losing all devices?