Lost ui connection, at a loss. have samba and ssh connection

Im as a loss, ive gone over my set up along with the logs and cannot figure out what is going on.

I did a restart today and it never come back, running on a virtual machine and all i saw was high cpu usage. After troubleshooting for a while i decided to reinstall the vm and restore from a 5 day old snapshot. But the same thing, no ui access but ssh is working along with the samba share so i am able to see and edit the files.

please let me know what other details i can provide.

also getting this error in the vm, which i have never seen before

I’ve seen quite a bit of this lately. Do you use the breaking changes integration?

I had read about that integration, but can’t find it in my configuration? does it have to do with hacs?

No, it has to be installed. It’s not your issue if you haven’t installed it.

so no connection to hacs at all?

Well you can install it through HACS but if you have not then it is not your problem.