Lovalace help

Hello. I’m having difficulty using .yaml mode in lovelace. This is what I’m seeing when I clock “Configure UI” and then “edit” on the specific card:

- entities:
    - artwork: cover
      entity: media_player.bedroom
      hide: null
      icon: 'mdi:television'
      source: true
      type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
      volume: true
    - artwork: cover
      entity: media_player.my_room_speaker
      hide: null
      icon: 'mdi:google_assistant'
        platform: google_translate
        volume: 0.75
      type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
      volume: true
    - artwork: cover
      entity: media_player.xbox_one
      icon: 'mdi:xbox'
      source: true
      type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
      volume: false
  type: entities

I’m getting the error “no card type found”. Any ideas?

If you are editing the way you say you are, you are not editing in .yaml mode, but UI Card Editor. Read this post (and the comments above and below it) and you will solve it :slight_smile:

I promise I was editing in .yaml originally! Lol. I just copied from the card editor to past here.

Turns out the custom card needed an update… oops.

If I recall correctly, once you have switched Lovelace to yaml mode, you can no longer edit anything from the frontend.

yaml and storage mode are different. If you are accessing configure UI, from the frontend, you aren’t in yaml mode.

That’s correct.

I use yaml mode and none of the options to configure thru the UI are available in the menu.