Lovelace 0.92 Custom UI Cards - Custom Element Doesn't Exist

My apologies if this is a simple fix. I’ve just started with HA and am trying to add custom cards. All I receive is the error “Custom Element Doesn’t Exist”.

Install: HA running in Docker Container on a Ubuntu Server 18.04 server
HA Version: 0.92.0

This error happens with the Mini Media Player and the Button Card (one’s I’ve tried so far.


Raw Config

      - type: js
        url: /local/mini-media-player-bundle.js?v=1.0.4
      - type: js
        url: /local/button-card.js
    title: Home
      - badges:


      javascript_version: latest

Card Entity

      - entity: media_player.study_speaker
        type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
      - color: auto
        color_type: card
        entity: light.master_bedroom_lights
        icon: 'mdi:home'
        type: 'custom:button-card'

I’ve tried:

  • Resetting Cache (including Incognito mode)
  • Restarting HA
  • All custom card files exist in /config/www and have been copied RAW from GitHub.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I’ve done wrong here?


Spaces matter. Follow the instructions at the top of the page when posting configuration items.

Where have you downloaded and saved the 2 js files to?
You may have them in the incorrect folders.

Apologies, I’ve fixed code block.

I’ve saved them to /config/www/.

I am not sure here. These are guesses from looking at your configuration.

Does the 3rd line color apply to the card?
color_type card seems strange too

Any errors in the logs?

You have 2 entities on the card. You might want to try with just one first.

See the global sticky. What have you already tried?

I initially was only testing the first entity and copied the button card one from somewhere. the issue still occurs without that card e.g.:

- entity: media_player.study_speaker
  type: 'custom:mini-media-player'

No errors in log:

2019-05-02 10:26:59 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder] Ended unfinished session (id=28 from 2019-05-02 10:24:52.688016)

I’ve done the following.

Image of Card in GUI:

Edit: It’s probably worth noting that I’m using the Raw Config Editor through the GUI.

You first need to get the mini-media-player functioning. Perhaps there can be help in this thread.

As for the mini-media-player you actually have to download the bundle attached in the latest relese, copying the source won’t work.

You can also check if you can access the files manually by navigating to http://yourhaaddress:ip/local/mini-media-player-bundle.js

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Sorry, that is correct, the button card was RAW.

Hmm, thats interesting… I can’t access it, nor the temporary test.html file I placed there.

I’m correct in that /config/www/ is the correct location? I believe all the permissions are correct so maybe it’s something else here, but it would explain this issue.

You mean /config/www from the perspective of the Docker container? I think on the OS it should be /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/config/www, at least for a Hassio installation U assume a Docker installation should be similar. The documentation does not list a leading / .

That was a typo and yes /config/www from the perspective of the docker container. On the OS it’s /home/$USER/docker/home-assistant/config/www which is normal for docker because it’s wherever you install docker.

EDIT: /home/$USER/docker is where I installed docker.

I’ve also confirmed that the permissions are correct.

The /www directory should be placed in the same directory as your configuration.yaml, often referred to as the config folder but could be named anything really.
But yes, it’s probably named config if you are running the official docker container.

Actually not sure what the issue could be then, but make sure the /www directory is in the same directory as your configuration.yaml.

Far out! When you say that, it makes so much sense that /config is literally the home assistant file.

This has now worked, thank you so much! It was doing my head in for such a simple thing.

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When SAMBA mounting with Hassio, the configuration files are in \\<ipaddress\config share.

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Ah, makes sense. Thank you so much for your help!

I’m having the same error with the same setup (HA on Docker/Ubuntu 18.04) I can’t figured out what’s the problem?

any help will be much appreciated