Lovelace: Banner card

I hope you know the different between a “button” and an “icon” as i referred to, in the “old” commend

( The Manual )

PS: And do also notice that this card seems “abandoned” !, latest fix was more than a year ago, and since then also PR are not “handled”, and simple questions not answered

Try use this Fork instead

Screenshot of my cards:

Love your cards!
How did you manage to get backgrounds working for some reason I am unable to get mine to work. I have code as follows but they just stay blank…

type: custom:banner-card
background: url:("local/test2.jpg")
  - mdi:bed-empty
  - Test Room
  - entity: light.flower_lamp
      service: light.toggle
        color: deeppink
        value: mdi:flower-outline
        color: teal
        value: mdi:flower-outline

I’m sorry to say that I cannot help you. I rebuilt my whole home assistant when I moved a few weeks ago and did not go with banner cards this time. :frowning: And, I don’t remember how I did it when it set it up a couple of years ago.

Hi, have the same question and didn’t found anything helpful. Have you found a solution for your problem?

The syntax on your url method call is wrong - you need to remove the colon.
Try background: url("local/test2.jpg").

I’m not sure if you can reference local media like that, as I’ve always hosted externally, but it might help.

for me its working with : background: url(/local/flur.jpg) … loose the double quote also make sure you have your picture in ./config/www on the host

Really like this banner-card, one question though.
I have a sensor/entity and it displays to up to 7 decimals. When I click on it > cog wheel > precision, I can change it to 2 decimals, but it doesn’t change in the graph itself. When I use another card (mini-card graph, for example) I do get the right figure (2 decimals).
Anyone got a solution?

Can you type the conf in yaml for the thermostat? It’s looking amazing!

Hi! How about show percentage of the lights in the card? thx


Wondering if anyone can help with code a button for a fan that cycles from Off => 40% => 70% => 100% => Off?

Looking for something like a singe icon button on this card that cycles through these setting with each tap.

I’m only able to get it to go from Off => 100% => Off which is just turning off and on.

Hey Guys,

it is posible to make in the heading directly a entity? and not only text and icon?

type: custom:banner-card
  - mdi:calendar
  - entity: sensor.date_complete
  - entity: sensor.aussen_temperature
    name: Außen
  - entity: sensor.wohnzimmer_temperature
    name: Wohnzimmer
  - entity: sensor.nachste_abholung
    name: Müll

big thanks,

1 Like

Can anyone help me erase these lines?

I already tried adding reference code above but it didn’t work

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Hey mclaudiopt, how did you reduce the margins around the heading? I’ve tried using this card but it takes up too much blank space to be really useful. Reducing the margins on that heading would allow me to start using this.

Hi @jorge20rocha ,



      - type: custom:banner-card
        heading: "Living"
        background: right / cover no-repeat url("/local/bg_area/banner_tv_navy.png")
        link: /lovelace/living
        style: |
          ha-card .heading {
            display: block;
            margin-right: auto;
            color: var(--primary-text-color);
            font-size: 2.8em;
            margin-top: 0.75em;
            margin-bottom: 0.75em;
            opacity: 0.9;
            font-weight: 400;
          ha-card .entities {
            color: var(--primary-text-color);
            font-size: 1em;
            opacity: 0.9;
          ha-card .entity-name {
            color: var(--primary-text-color);
            font-size: 1em;
          ha-card .entity-value {
            color: var(--primary-text-color);
            font-size: 1.1em;
          ha-card .entity-state {
          box-shadow: none;
        row_size: 4
          - entity: light.living_hall
            name: Hall
          - entity: light.living_light
            name: Light
          - entity: climate.living_ac
            name: AC
            attribute: state
              "off": mdi:fan-off
              "heat": mdi:white-balance-sunny
              "dry": mdi:water-outline
              "cool": mdi:snowflake
              "fan_only": mdi:fan
              "heat_cool": mdi:sun-snowflake
          - entity: sensor.living_temperature
            name: Temp
          - entity: light.living_sofa
            name: Sofa
          - entity: light.living_spot
            name: Spot
          - entity: binary_sensor.entrance_motion
            name: Motion
            attribute: state
              "on": mdi:motion-sensor
              "off": mdi:motion-sensor-off
          - entity: media_player.living_tv
            name: TV
            attribute: source
              "off": mdi:television-off
          - entity: light.balcony_light
            name: Balcony
          - entity: light.balcony_grill
            name: Grill
          - entity: binary_sensor.balcony_window
            name: Window
            attribute: state
              "on": mdi:window-open-variant
              "off": mdi:window-closed-variant
          - entity: cover.balcony_curtain
            name: Curtain
          - entity: binary_sensor.entrance_door
            name: Door
            attribute: state
                icon: mdi:door-open
                color: firebrick
              "off": mdi:door-closed
          - entity: lock.entrance_lock
            name: Locker
            attribute: state
              "locked": mdi:lock
                icon: mdi:lock-open
                color: firebrick
              service: lock.unlock
          - entity: sensor.living_plant_moisture_soil_moisture
            name: Plant
            value: mdi:sprout
                soil_moisture: [">", 80]
          - entity: sensor.living_plant_moisture_soil_moisture
            name: Plant
            value: mdi:sprout
            color: firebrick
                soil_moisture: ["<", 80]
          - entity: sensor.living_voc
            name: Air
            value: mdi:cloud-circle
            color: firebrick
              state: [">", 500]
          - entity: sensor.living_voc
            name: Air
            value: mdi:leaf-circle
              state: ["<", 500]

Why do i have the text “OFF” / “ON” instead of a toggle/switch.

Any ideas?

Many Thanx. Shawn


Same problem here, and i don’t know how to solve it :frowning:

Hello, can you please share the code for this?. Thanks Tom

same problem!