Lovelace: Bar Card

I found it in HACS and installed it about 15 minutes ago. It’s working well. I just have rounded ends on the bars (no CSS), and I don’t know why when every image I see shows squared-off bar ends.

EDIT: Ahh. I have bar height set to 30px, which means the radius on the bar corners makes them look completely round. I was able to customize with card mod.

Is it possible to set the max value dynamically when using auto entities? I want to show the power usage of my smart sockets and set the max value to the value of the socket that is consuming the most power.

Here’s what I have with a static max value:

type: custom:auto-entities
show_empty: false
  type: custom:bar-card
  direction: right
  entity_row: true
  min: 0
  max: 14
  height: 20px
  stack: vertical
  decimal: 1
    icon: 'off'
    indicator: outside
    name: inside
    value: inside
    - color: '#a1a1a18a'
      from: 0
      to: 2
    - color: '#3ea8328a'
      from: 2
      to: 10
    - color: '#85a8328a'
      from: 10
      to: 50
    - color: '#a8a4328a'
      from: 50
      to: 200
    - color: '#a887328a'
      from: 200
      to: 500
    - color: '#a867328a'
      from: 500
      to: 1000
    - color: '#a846328a'
      from: 1000
      to: 3000
    - color: '#a832328a'
      from: 3000
      to: 10000
    - entity_id: sensor.socket_*_power*
    - entity_id: sensor.*_kilowatt
  method: state
  reverse: true
  numeric: true

Hei all, thanks firstly for the awesome content here, helped me loads!

Now My issue is: I have a picture elements card where I want to present the SOC of my vehicle. When charging, I want to animate the bar. I already copied some code snippets from you guys, but I cant seem to style my bar card with css and perform the positioning:

Code for now:

type: picture-elements
  - type: state-icon
    entity: sensor.xxxxxxx_car
      action: call-service
      service: smarteqconnect.preheat_start
        vin: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      target: {}
    icon: mdi:heat-wave
      top: 60%
      left: 50%
      '--mdc-icon-size': 110%
  - type: custom:bar-card
    entity: sensor.xxxxxxx_state_of_charge
    name: Ladezustand
    color: rgb(186,166,142)
    icon: 'No'
    entity_row: true
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    indicator: 'on'
    animation: 'on'
      indicator: outside
      value: inside
      top: 90%
      left: 50%
      width: 60%
image: /local/smartfortwo.png

So when I now add the animation source code or something like:

style: |
        bar-card-row bar-card-card:nth-of-type(1) {
          --bar-card-color: green;
        bar-card-row bar-card-card:nth-of-type(2) {
          --bar-card-color: red;

Nothing works anymore, and my “top” and “Left” Positioning is not possible. When I delete top and left positioning, my bar disappears on the picture elements card… Could someone help me out here perhaps? Would be awesome!

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I just realized that this card doesn’t represent data accurately anymore. I assume since support stopped in 2020 things have broken?

Data should be 572, but its sitting at 451gb and randomly changes, sometimes going down.
Clikcing on the graph to get the history shows the correct history graph, but the bar graph still show incorrect information


I don’t understand much about CSS. But it seems I was able to make a gradient bar. Changed the percentage of steps in the gradient for clarity.


style: |-
  bar-card-backgroundbar {
    background: linear-gradient(to right, green 5%, yellow 15%, orange 35%, red 85%);
  bar-card-currentbar {
    background: linear-gradient(to right, green 5%, yellow 15%, orange 35%, red 85%);
    clip-path: polygon(0 0, var(--bar-percent) 0, var(--bar-percent) 100%, 0 100%);

My original percentages: green 40%, yellow 55%, orange 70%, red 85%.



Did you get a solution for this?

I have also been thinking about it - to show net power Grid activity (import/purchase vs export/generation) and could not find an easily identifiable solution from other posts in this thread - though may have missed something.

3 possible ideas come to mind (not tested/proved yet):

1 - use a background colour for values less than zero, and make the target zero. Then apply the ‘negative’ severity colour to the target [this is the bit i cannot find - can you set the specific target colour in the config?] Then as the bar recedes below zero it will reveal the negative colour as if it is moving from the centre.
2 - Maybe use the gradient fill idea from Lovelace: Bar Card - #720 by RavingRobot post; I have only just seen this so it likely needs checking as appropriate for your/mine situation.
3 - The other idea that looks worth investigating is the hide option, that was explained elsewhere (create 2 bars, one for positive, other for negative, one from left other from right), effectively only showing positive or negative according to the entity value. Without a target colour setting, this looks like the fallback.


Hi, I’m playing around with this card and have a few questions

  • How can I put the indicator just before the measured value?
  • Is it also possible to make the up arrow red and the down arrow blue?
  • is there a possibility that the arrow always remains visible with the last value.

Did you make any progress here? I’m trying to add a template value to the “max” but it only seems to accept actual numbers…

I am looking for the exact same. Have you made any progress? TIA

No, No solution yet. Using a static max value for now.

Hi All!

I’m trying to stack together 2 elements inside my custom:button-card card and one element is a vertical bar-card, but this is what I get:

Do you have any suggestions on why the bar card is right shifted? This is the piece of code for the card

    - "ulm_language_variables"
  triggers_update: "all"
  show_icon: false
  show_name: false
  show_label: false
    ulm_custom_card_nik_water_status: "[[[ return variables.ulm_custom_card_nik_water_status ]]]"
    ulm_custom_card_nik_water_liter_sensor: "[[[ return variables.ulm_custom_card_nik_water_liter_sensor ]]]"
      - grid-template-areas: >
            var areas = [];
            areas.push("item1 item1");
            return "\"" + areas.join("\" \"") + "\"";
      - grid-template-columns: "auto"
      - grid-template-rows: "min-content"
      - border-radius: "var(--border-radius)"
      - box-shadow: "var(--box-shadow)"
      - padding: "12px"
        type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:bar-card
            entity: sensor.disk_use_percent
            direction: up
            height: 100px
            width: 100px
              icon: outside
              title: 'off'
              name: 'off'
              indicator: 'off'
            color: var(--google-blue)
            icon: mdi:water-pump
              style: |
                ha-card {
                  --ha-card-border-radius: 50%;
                  box-shadow: none;
                  background-color: transparent;
          - type: button
              action: toggle
            entity: sensor.disk_use_percent
            name: M3
              action: none
            show_state: true
            icon: mdi:water
            show_name: true
            show_icon: true
              style: |
                ha-card {
                  box-shadow: none;
                  background-color: transparent;
                  icon-color: blue;

I think it’s something related with Styles…Thanks for any suggestions



Hey, is there a way to adjust the height of the gaps between the rows,so they appear more narrow?image

Probably similarly to rows in a conventional Entities card.
Go to card-mod thread - 1st post - link at the bottom - styles for Entities card.

have this simple bard-card config, which I had hoped to be picking up the configured attributes value of a binary_sensor:

  - type: custom:bar-card
    title: Kans op zon
      class: class-header-margin
      style: |
        ha-card {
          box-shadow: none;
          margin: 0px -16px -16px -16px;
#     hours_to_show: 24
#     update_interval: 30
#     smoothing: true
      labels: true
      - color: Grey
        from: 0
        to: 25
      - color: Skyblue
        from: 26
        to: 50
      - color: Gold
        from: 51
        to: 100
      - entity: binary_sensor.knmi_zon
        name: Vandaag
        type: attribute
        attribute: Zonkans vandaag
      - entity: binary_sensor.knmi_zon
        name: Morgen
        type: attribute
        attribute: Zonkans morgen
      - entity: binary_sensor.knmi_zon
        name: Overmorgen
        type: attribute
        attribute: Zonkans overmorgen

as I can observe, the actual value is noticed fine, and displayed inside the bar, however, the colors and the graphs are not using that value so it seems.

is there a way I can force it to use the attributes as configured in the entity list?

I noticed I used the HA Dashboard technique if showing an attribute (type: attribute). Bar-card can do that on its own, using:

      - entity: binary_sensor.knmi_zon
        name: Vandaag
        attribute: Zonkans vandaag
      - entity: binary_sensor.knmi_zon
        name: Morgen
        attribute: Zonkans morgen
      - entity: binary_sensor.knmi_zon
        name: Overmorgen
        attribute: Zonkans overmorgen

yet, there is still no coloring according to that attribute

also tried to set the severity in each entity:

      - entity: binary_sensor.knmi_zon
        name: Vandaag
        attribute: Zonkans vandaag
        <<: &severity
            - color: Grey
              from: 0
              to: 25
            - color: Skyblue
              from: 26
              to: 50
            - color: Gold
              from: 51
              to: 100
      - entity: binary_sensor.knmi_zon
        name: Morgen
        attribute: Zonkans morgen
        <<: *severity
      - entity: binary_sensor.knmi_zon
        name: Overmorgen
        <<: *severity
        attribute: Zonkans overmorgen

yet the issue remains.


seems to be cause by the fact the attribute contains the unit, so the bar-card sees 99%, instead of 99…
filed an issue in the repo KNMI for that

is this card still maintained at all?

seems that with a last merged PR some 2 years ago there is not a lot of activity going forward…
would anyone know of an active Fork? or alternative…?

sorry, i have no answer to your question, but i´d like to know, how you reduced the height of the rows, including the gaps between them.
I managed to adjust the height, but the result is, that the gaps become bigger.
The actual size of the card does not change.

Hi all, I need help to customize my bar card. I need to center title header ad round square the bar. I don’t know how to combine the styles.
Here is the code to title center:

type: custom:bar-card
title: Consumo Istantaneo
show_icon: true
name: ' '
max: 4100
  indicator: inside
  value: inside
unit_of_measurement: W
  - entity: sensor.sensore_potenza_casa_w
    $: |
      .card-header {
        text-align: center;

this to round style the bar but I have to remove “card_mod”:

style: |
  bar-card-currentbar, bar-card-backgroundbar {
    border-radius: 10px;
  - type: custom:bar-card
    direction: right
    height: 10px
    width: 76px
      left: 28.5%
      top: 58%
      style: |
        ha-card {
          --ha-card-border-radius: 0%;
          box-shadow: none;
          background-color: transparent;

Wow. This is very, very nice.
Thank you.

Hi all, is it possible to set the “max” out from a value of a sensor? I would like to use to sensor in the top (consumption) as max for all of them. Many thanx in advance.