Lovelace card will not stay visible- appears and disappears

I added an integration called networkscanner that requires you to manually create a lovelace markdown get it working.

The problem is the card keeps appearing and disappearing but never actually shows any data when it’s visible. Is there anyway to force lovelace to show the card all the time?


Sure, remove any visibility conditions from the card.

I don’t have any conditions- it’s empty. thanks

Please share your card config, otherwise we have no way of helping you.

type: markdown
content: >


IP Address MAC Address Custom Name Custom Description Hostname Vendor

{% for device in state_attr(‘sensor.network_scanner’, ‘devices’) %}
| {{ device.ip }} | {{ device.mac }} | {{ }} | {{ device.type }} | {{ device.hostname }} | {{ device.vendor }} |
{% endfor %}

In future please format your pasted config correctly for the forum. Use the </> button or do this:

What does this return in Developer Tools → Template editor:

{{ state_attr('sensor.network_scanner', 'devices') }}

One or more of your sensors are unavailable, which makes your card will flash in and out.

Check the states of your sensors in the developer tools.

Ok If that is the case then that is a hard stop as I have lots of sensors that are unavailable and that is not going to change anytime soon.

Thank you.

It’s only this sensor that matters: sensor.network_scanner, not the ones it maps.

Are you sure you set up the scanner correctly?

As I said before, what does this show in the template editor:

{{ state_attr('sensor.network_scanner', 'devices') }}

The template editor only shows sample code. Have no idea how to use it as I have HA setup as a backend to Homekit so I don’t normally have to deal with Lovelace

Clear the editor using the button at the bottom of the window and then confirming that yes you do want to. Then paste in the template. The result is shown to the right.

Not sure what I am supposed to be pasting in the template. Do you mean the markup card data? Again I don’t use lovelace.

I told you exactly what to put there

And again:

But now I’m beginning to think even if I get an answer there’s no way I’m going to be able to get you to fix the integration. So let’s just forget I said anything.