Lovelace: Check Button Card

Anyone else having issues after updating to 2021.12?
All my sensors are unavailable allthough everything is there in my mqtt broker
Logs are saying :

  • nvalid state message ‘{“timestamp”:1629904884,“timestamp_friendly”:“8/25/2021, 5:21:24 PM”,“severity”:[{“value”:“3 months”,“color”:“Red”,“seconds”:7889238},{“value”:“2 months”,“color”:“Orange”,“seconds”:5259492}]}’ from ‘homeassistant/sensor/trimmen/state’
  • Invalid state message ‘{“timestamp”:1622303265,“timestamp_friendly”:“5/29/2021, 5:47:45 PM”,“severity”:[{“value”:“3 months”,“color”:“Red”,“seconds”:7889238},{“value”:“2 months”,“color”:“Orange”,“seconds”:5259492}]}’ from ‘homeassistant/sensor/vaccinaties/state’
  • Invalid state message ‘{“timestamp”:1612454233,“timestamp_friendly”:“2/4/2021, 4:57:13 PM”,“severity”:[{“value”:“9 months”,“color”:“Red”,“seconds”:23667714},{“value”:“6 months”,“color”:“Orange”,“seconds”:15778476}]}’ from ‘homeassistant/sensor/ventilatie/state’
  • Invalid state message ‘{“timestamp”:1603529937,“timestamp_friendly”:“10/24/2020, 10:58:57 AM”,“severity”:[{“value”:“24 months”,“color”:“Red”,“seconds”:63113904},{“value”:“20 months”,“color”:“Orange”,“seconds”:52594920}]}’ from ‘homeassistant/sensor/verwarmingsketel/state’
  • Invalid state message ‘{“timestamp”:1639223861,“timestamp_friendly”:“12/11/2021, 12:57:41 PM”,“severity”:[{“value”:“90 days”,“color”:“Red”,“seconds”:7776000},{“value”:“30 days”,“color”:“Orange”,“seconds”:2592000}]}’ from ‘homeassistant/sensor/vijver/state’

Same problem here

Could it be related to below on 2021.12?
“Timestamp/Date device class value changes
When using datetime and date device classes in sensors, the returned native value must (respectively) be a datetime or date Python object.”

Anyone got a fix for this?

unfortunatly not yet… also looking for a solution… the idea of the plugin is great; but it’s no longer maintained…

Fixed in v1.3.0. Details here.

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Hey Brian,

Mind sharing your yaml


Hello All,

This is great add on. However I have been having some issues which I have spent some time over but just can’t figure it out. Please help!!

  1. How can I remove an entity in MQTT once it is created. I can’t use MQTT explorer

  1. When I add a button on one it shows " 52 years" well if I can delete it then problem solved

Thanks for the help. Help me get some sleep :slight_smile:

@snash why cant you use mqtt explorer? it would fix the delete thing…

I got also a problem:

Im getting following errors
Invalid state message ‘{“timestamp”:1624002370,“timestamp_friendly”:“6/18/2021, 9:46:10 AM”,“severity”:[{“value”:“12 months”,“color”:“Red”,“seconds”:31556952},{“value”:“11 months”,“color”:“Orange”,“seconds”:28927206}]}’ from ‘homeassistant/sensor/ontkalker/state’

Not sure why it happens with some and some not.
If i look at those that show the error, the state is unknown, although its been 12 months since the button was pushed…

Any ideas?

Yes I finally figured out how to use MQTT Explorer and fixed it. Thanks

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Still a heavy user of check button card always keeping my eyes open for standard integration in home assistant with extended possibilities

Hi, I am using the button but I have a problem with the unit_of_measurement. I am using days but the card shows as output a week ago. I would like to know precisely if it is 7 days or if it is 8 days and so on. At the moment it just switched to weeks as a unit.

time to move on… will migrate my tasks now to activity-manager (GitHub - pathofleastresistor/activity-manager: A Home Assistant custom component to manage recurring activities.)

I am struggling with this, what object do you use in Node Red to update the sensor. I tried template

If anyone can help I would be grateful. After executing the flow the sensor does not get updated. What am I doing wrong? I have googled CHAT GPT everything…

msg.payload : string[303]
"{"timestamp":1695481200,"timestamp_unix":1694611332,"timestamp_friendly":"9/13/2023, 9:22:12 AM","severity":[{"value":"2 days","color":"Red","seconds":172800},{"value":"1 days","color":"Yellow","seconds":86400}],"device_class":"timestamp","icon":"mdi:checkbox-marked","friendly_name":"rem_empty_vacuum"}"

This is my flow in node red

This my function from @Gluwc

// Define entity_id
const entityId = "sensor.rem_empty_vacuum";

// Get global object
const haObject = global.get("homeassistant");

// Get attributes object from entity
let payloadObject = haObject.homeAssistant.states[entityId].attributes;

// Get current timestamp in seconds
const currentTime = Math.trunc( / 1000);

// Modify timestamp in payloadObject.
payloadObject.timestamp = currentTime;

// Create string from object
msg.payload = JSON.stringify(payloadObject);

return msg;

Sensor does not get updated

Never mind I read through need to add state at the end