Lovelace: Home Feed Card

Is it possible to hide the timestamp to get an even smaller compact mode?

@Steven_Rollason any idea?

Maybe add an option to only show the titles of the persistent notification too?
so optional no timestamp
and optional no info but only the title? That would rock

For this you could use auto-entities and simply filter on devices with battery < 15% (or whatever your comfort threshold is). It’s better to get ahead of the problem I think though might be useful to also detect already dead devices. You can do that with auto entities as well checking the last updates.
Otherwise what you are using the feed card for is a bit of a hack, ie I don’t think it’s designed for your intended use :slight_smile:

You can prevent persistent notifications from appearing by using the id_filter option, set to something which will never appear in the id of those notifcations. For example:

type: custom:home-feed-card
  - calendar.my_calendar
  - Calendar.my_other_calendar
id_filter: ^no_notifications_in_feed.*

A workaround to remove the timestamp in compact mode, if you have card_mod installed, is to do this:

type: custom:home-feed-card
compact_mode: true
  style: |
    hui-timestamp-display { display: none!important; }

Thx will try

Anyone else having problems with door/windows/covers icons? All worked fine until last update (2024.2.2)
For all these times of sensor it shows a mdi:bookmark icon instead of the entity icon:

Any solution or clue, or is it only me? Thanks in advance!

Not just you. I have the same. I had to assign icons in some places where they were previously automatically created based on the device type.

I think it’s related to this.

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This issue has been fixed for custom:multiple-entity-row:

Any chance this will be fixed for this card?
@Steven_Rollason ?

Thanks for all your work!

Does anyone have the capability to fix this card according to the new changes in HA2024.2 described above?
I’m not a programmer, and even if I try to read the code in the repo, for me it’s impossible because it is compacted. Any suggestions?

EDIT: found out I can format the code with

I’ve just pushed a new release to fix the icon issue.


THANKS!!! The new release is almost working fully has expected, only one thing missing: customized entities icon’s are returning to the default, and not reflecting the customizations.

To the left I have the “native” more-info card, that uses my customization for states of the entity, on the right the custom:home-feed-card;

This is the more-info from the custom:home-feed-card.
Neither the card nor the more-info from the card reflect the customizations.

Another example, my garage door:
a) from custom:home feed card and respective more-info:

b) from the native button-card and more-info, refecting the customizations:

I hope I explained well, if more information is needed I can assist.
Can this be fixed? The present solution solves 90% of the problem, if it’s not possible I will continue to use it anyway, thanks for your work!

Great card, but I have 2 questions which are probably pretty simple to figure out but I can’t so far…

  1. How do I get rid of the blank/empty notifications which are the timestamps with nothing in them?
  2. Is there a horizontal config?

This is my config

type: custom:home-feed-card
show_empty: false
scrollbars_enabled: true
more_info_on_tap: false
state_color: true
compact_mode: false
show_notification_title: false
  - entity: sensor.now_playing_song_artist
    include_history: true
    max_history: 10
    format: time
    content_template: '{{state}}'

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i haven’t changed any code and none of my home feed cards work any more once updated to 2024.7.3 anyone else?

Just checked and mine are still working on .7.3

same here. sometimes good sometimes not being seen

I like that to represent the persons location … anyone knows how to get the home/not_home state translated into local language?

edit: got this fixed with state_map option