Lovelace - include views, loads very slow and often need restart of HA to show up. Is it normal?

here you go:

  options: >-
    {% if is_state('input_boolean.ch_use_options_text_template','on')%}{{ time }} - <ha-icon icon='{{states('sensor.weather_icon')}}' style='vertical-align: middle';></ha-icon> - {{states('sensor.temp_current') }}°
    {% endif %}

not sure what buttons you want on the right side, but I have the header posted above, and all tabs in the footer, depending on a mode.
keen to learn what you will be up to :wink:

Yeah, it is actually collaborative with another dev here who pointed me in this direction. And it is really cool what he showed me. It actually takes the header text and shows you the path name inside the header text. Making it dynamic for each page you visit. This way I don’t have to recreate the header on each page with exceptions. I have already tested it and it works, even for multiple users.

The notifications you saw in my videos/screenshots will not change though. It will still be the same entities card to do that. But I am progressing a lot now so I hope to have it online very very soon!

Make a button in the ui that calls this:

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