Lovelace lights group control

You can also do a pretty good hierarchical thing if you have “sub groups” of lights.

type: entities
  - entity: light.office_lights
  - type: section
  - entity: light.james_desk_lights
  - type: divider
  - entity: light.james_desk_left
  - entity: light.james_desk_right
  - entity: light.office_ceiling_james_desk
  - entity: light.office_ceiling_door
  - type: section
  - entity: light.linda_desk_lights
  - type: divider
  - entity: light.linda_desk_left
  - entity: light.linda_desk_right
  - entity: light.office_ceiling_linda_desk
  - entity: light.office_ceiling_cupboard_light
show_header_toggle: false

Thanks, I appreciate your help. I was using groups.yaml all this time but changed to the `’ integration as I was told it is better suited, one disadvantage is that it looks like individual lights are not supported this way in the Pop-up card, unfortunately.

Hopefully, it will be added soon.

You almost can get that by using a “group” rather than a light group.

type: entities
  - entity: group.james_desk_lights
  - type: divider
  - entity: light.james_desk_left
  - entity: light.james_desk_right
  - entity: light.office_ceiling_james_desk
  - entity: light.office_ceiling_door
show_header_toggle: false

And then clicking on the “header” gives you:

Which has independent light toggles but not independent colour controls. This is probably closest to what you want if you are using a button card for a group that can also be long pressed to toggle individual lights.

I think someone earlier in the thread implied that lights with different colour capabilities in a “group” would stop the colour controls appearing though.

Baffled, after 3 years and this hasn’t been implemented yet. :confused:

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