Lovelace: mini graph card

What debugging have you done? Are there values for those attributes? Is there historical data?

Attributes are not supported.

@parautenbach I ended up probing attributes to sensor and working fine, Thanks,

I am trying to make three states show up in left, center and right, need help.

type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
name: Master Bedroom Air Conditioner
icon: 'mdi:air-conditioner'
hours_to_show: 12
smoothing: true
  - entity: sensor.master_bedroom_ac_current_consumption
    name: Consumption
    show_state: true
    align_state: left
  - entity: sensor.master_bedroom_ac_current
    name: Current
    show_state: true
    align_state: center
  - entity: sensor.master_bedroom_ac_voltage
    name: Voltage
    show_state: true
    align_state: rigth

All possible options are provided in the docs:

This is property of the whole graph, not some particular entity.

Any otherway to archive that?

You can use only options provided by the card + some tricks provided by card-mod.
Choose any background picture you want - blue, white or whatever…

type: picture-elements
  style: |
    ha-card {
      height: 202px !important;
  - &ref_card
    type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
      - sensor.cleargrass_1_co2
      labels: true
      name: false
    align_state: left
    upper_bound: 1000
    lower_bound: ~400
    line_color: green
    line_width: 1
      top: 0%
      left: 0%
      transform: 'translate(0%,0%)'
      style: |
        ha-card {
          --ha-card-background: rgba(0,0,0,0);
          width: 492px;
  - <<: *ref_card
      - sensor.cleargrass_2_co2
    align_state: center
    line_color: orange
  - <<: *ref_card
      - sensor.mijia_300_1_co2
    align_state: right
    line_color: red
image: /local/images/blue.jpg

Update 29.01.22:
The upper solution has one big disadvantage - you need to “hard-code” a width which may cause problems after a window resize.
The new solution is free of this problem:

  - type: custom:mod-card
        hui-vertical-stack-card $: |
          div#root {
            display: grid;
          div#root > * {
            grid-column-start: 1;
            grid-row-start: 1;
            margin: 0px;
            --ha-card-background: rgba(0,0,0,0);
      type: vertical-stack
        - type: custom:mini-graph-card
            - entity: sensor.cleargrass_1_co2
              state_adaptive_color: true
            labels: true
            name: false
          align_state: left
          upper_bound: 1000
          lower_bound: ~400
          line_color: green
          line_width: 1
        - type: custom:mini-graph-card
            - entity: sensor.cleargrass_2_co2
              state_adaptive_color: true
            labels: false
            name: false
          align_state: center
          upper_bound: 1000
          lower_bound: ~400
          line_color: orange
          line_width: 1
        - type: custom:mini-graph-card
            - entity: sensor.mijia_300_1_co2
              state_adaptive_color: true
            labels: false
            name: false
          align_state: right
          upper_bound: 1000
          lower_bound: ~400
          line_color: red
          line_width: 1


Unfortunately, both 1st & 2nd methods do not allow to display a legend for all graphs; selecting a point of some graph is available for the topmost graph only.

Update 08.09.22:
There is one more method with card-mod - seems to be most advanced:

  - type: custom:mini-graph-card
      - entity: sensor.xiaomi_cg_1_temperature
        show_state: true
        name: CG-1
      - entity: sensor.xiaomi_cg_2_temperature
        show_state: true
        name: CG-2
      - entity: sensor.mijia_300_1_temperature
        show_state: true
        name: Mijia-1
    hours_to_show: 6
    points_per_hour: 60
    name: Climate
      labels: true
      legend: true
    line_width: 1
      style: |
        .states {
          justify-content: normal !important;
        .state {
          flex-grow: 1;
        .states--secondary {
          flex-flow: row !important;
          flex-grow: 1.2;
          margin-left: 0px !important;
        .states--secondary .state.state--small {
          font-size: unset;
          margin-bottom: unset;
          flex-grow: unset;
        .states--secondary .state.state--small:nth-of-type(2) {
          margin-left: auto !important;

Here a value for "flex-grow: 1.2" must be set dependingly on a displayed 2nd value to place the state closer to the center.
This method is the only way to display a legend and see a state for some point!


Hi there,
I’m looking for an advise on how to change the color of the state based on the value. Here is my custom:mini-graph-card button, and I’m trying to achieve this:

  • if the download speed is less than 63 Mbit/s color RED, if is =< 70 color ORANGE and above 70 color green.

here is the code for the button, and I tried to play with the style option for ha-card .states.flex but that messes with the outcome of the card.

        - name: Download
          type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
          icon: mdi:cloud-download-outline
            grid-row: 3 / 4
            grid-column: 1 / 3
            - entity: sensor.speedtest_download
              show_state: true
              color: green
              show_points: false
              name: Download
            - entity: sensor.speedtest_ping
              show_state: true
              y_axis: secondary
              show_graph: false
          style: |
            ha-card {
              transform: scale(1,1);
              height: 95%;
              width: 98%;
              margin: -0px;
              background-color: rgba(10,10,10,0.9);
              border: solid 1.15px rgba(50,50,50,0.9);
              box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 0.5px #2D2F32;
              border-radius: 10px;
            ha-card .header.flex .name.flex { 
              margin-left: 0px;
              margin-top: -10px;
              font-family: Helvetica;
              font-size: 15px;
            ha-card .header.flex .icon {
              --mdc-icon-size: 25px;
              margin-top: -10px;
              color: rgb(169, 169, 169);
            ha-card .states.flex {
                margin-left: 0px;
                margin-top: -20px;
                {% if states('sensor.speedtest_download')|float >= 61}
                  color: magenta !important;
                {% else %}
                  color: green !important;
                {% endif %}
            ha-card .info.flex .info__item .info__item__type {
              display: none;
            ha-card .info.flex .info__item .info__item__value {
              font-size: 10px;
              margin-top: -13px;
            ha-card .info.flex .info__item .info__item__time {
              display: none;
            ha-card .graph .graph__container {
              margin-top: -10px;
            ha-card .states.flex .states--secondary {
              color: blue;
          line_width: 1
          align_icon: name
          font_size: 50
          group: false
          group_by: hour
          hours_to_show: 24
          points_per_hour: 60
          fill: fade
          height: 75
          lower_bound: 50
          smoothing: false
            icon: true
            legend: false
            name: true
            state: true
            labels: false
            labels_secondary: true
            graph: line
            extrema: true

can you advise?

I prepared a thread dedicated to simplify & unify creation of graphs based on "mini-graph-card" & "history-graph".
The thread is located here.
A small description is provided below.

The topic is dedicated to people who like the "mini-graph-card" and is going to keep using it.
The post describes using the "decluttering-card" to simplify creating & managing graphs based on the "mini-graph-card".

While developing my HA setup very very soon a number of graphs in my system became about 10…20 - and it was just a beginning.
I wanted to have one style for all my graphs. Any time I wanted to correct something in "mini-graph-card" cards (common settings like styling, aggregate_func, "card-mod" styling etc), I had to repeat the same correction for every graph.
Also, I desperately needed a possibility to manage graphs - like changing "hours_to_show", switching on/off "show_points", "show_extrema" etc.
Finally, I needed two more features:

  • displaying a background graph like “Day / night”, “Available / unavailable” etc;
  • displaying a zero X-axis.





Hi all, is it possible to change font size only for the extrema?

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Possible with card-mod, search in the topic

whyyyyyyyy? its in the www folder (latest version 10), in the Lovelace>Resources as /local/mini-graph-card.js?v=0.10.0

Custom element doesn’t exist: mini-graph-card.

type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
  - entity: sensor.plex_bandwidth
    name: Plex Bandwidth
hours_to_show: 72

Is there any chance that fire-dom-event will ever be supported as a tap-action on this card?
I’m really missing it.

I use it to display the underlying entities of a graph which only shows the averageor the entities that are used in a template sensor which is being graphed. (I hope that makes sense)

Sorry, could you explain once again with detail (+some example) what you want to achieve?

For example, I have a ‘Brightness’ graph based on a sensor:

When I tap on it I’d like to show the data that was used to calculate the sensor. this used to work…

          action: call-service
          service: browser_mod.popup
            title: Brightness Sensor Values
              type: entities
                - sensor.elevation
                - entity: sensor.openweathermap_cloud_coverage
                  name: OpenWeatherMap Cloud Coverage
                - sensor.period_of_day
              - this

I’ve been away from HA for a few months and have some catching up to do - many things have changed :slight_smile: one of those things is browser_mod.

It is!

I thought I tried and it didn’t work and as far as I can see it is not in the docs so I assumed it hadn’t been added to the card.

I must have configured it wrongly… I’ll try again.

EDIT: I can’t get this to work. I am pretty sure I have the syntax correct as I use it a lot on button-card
What am I missing?

      - type: custom:mini-graph-card
        icon: mdi:white-balance-sunny
        name: BRIGHTNESS
          - entity: sensor.brightness
        decimals: 0
        points_per_hour: 2
        indicator: off
        align_icon: left
        align_header: left
        align_state: left
        font_size: 70   
        more_info: false
        animate: true
        hour24: true
          action: fire-dom-event
            command: popup
            title: Brightness Sensor Values
              type: entities
                - sensor.elevation
                - entity: sensor.openweathermap_cloud_coverage
                  name: OpenWeatherMap Cloud Coverage
                - sensor.period_of_day
          - value: 0
            color: black
          - value: 5
            color: grey
          - value: 10
            color: yellow
          fill: true
          extrema: false
          labels: hover
          graph: bar
          icon_adaptive_color: true



I’m trying to create a card with a tertiary y axis: (y_axis: tertiary) does not seem to work. I have a Philips Hue outdoor motion sensor which detects Motion, Temperature and Light. I want all them in there but I can’t get the motion sensor with teh agregate max to work. each should have their own y axis. How can I do this.

type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
hour24: true
name: 'Temperatuur, Beweging & Licht'
  - entity: sensor.sensor_tuinhuisje_temperature
    name: Temperatuur
  - entity: sensor.sensor_tuinhuisje_light_level
    name: Licht
    y_axis: secondary
  - entity: binary_sensor.sensor_tuinhuisje_motion
    name: Beweging
    color: red
points_per_hour: 8
aggregate_func: max
update_interval: 5
line_width: 2
smoothing: false
  - value: 'off'
    label: Geen
  - value: 'on'
    label: Gedetecteert

From the Github page:

This issue has been resolved in version 0.11.0-dev.4

Well, that would explain it.
Thanks and sorry…

You’re very welcome. :slight_smile:

You could install the dev version or just wait a bit. If it is dev-4, it shouldn’t take too long to get to the stable version. :slight_smile:

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