Lovelace: mini graph card

Hi Everybody!

I could not deal with 2 things in the last some days. A tried to read everything about them but sadly without success so maybe anyone here can light me the reasons of them.

  1. I know that the official release not yet support attributes, but in theory dev version 3 of unreleased 0.11 can handle it:

    And the official manual also refer to it:

    What could be the problem of my following setup as it give me just NaN result if I’m on dev version 4 of 0.11?

    The config:
type: custom:mini-graph-card
  - entity: sensor.water_quality_fvm
    name: Water hardness
    attribute: water_hardness
font_size_header: 10
font_size: 66
hour24: true
height: 50
line_width: 1
hours_to_show: 168
  labels: false

And the corresponding sensor’s state attributes:

  - name: Szabad aktív klór
    value: 0,20
    unit: mg/l
    limit: '1000'
    state: ok
  - name: pH
    value: 7,7
    unit: ' '
    limit: '8.5'
    state: ok
location: Budapest - XI. kerület
water_hardness: közepesen kemény
provider: Data provided by
icon: mdi:water
friendly_name: Water Quality FVM

And the result is:

  1. My second problem is about the coloring capability of sensors’s with non numerical values:
    I have a config:
type: custom:mini-graph-card
  - entity: sensor.u_s_air_pollution_level
    name: Air quality
font_size_header: 10
font_size: 66
hour24: true
height: 50
line_width: 1
hours_to_show: 168
  labels: false
  - value: hazardous
    color: '#ff3d00'
  - value: very unhealthy
    color: '#ffff00'
  - value: unhealthy
    color: '#ffff00'
  - value: unhealthy for sensitive groups
    color: '#ffff00'
  - value: moderate
    color: '#ffff00'
  - value: good
    color: '#00ff00'
  - value: hazardous
    label: Hazardous
  - value: very unhealthy
    label: Very unhealthy
  - value: unhealthy
    label: Unhealthy
  - value: unhealthy for sensitive groups
    label: Unhealthy for sensitive groups
  - value: moderate
    label: Moderate
  - value: good
    label: Good

But I simply could not get color coded states on the graph. It always shows me all the states in green (is it possible to use multiple colors?..):

Thanks for any efforts on these in advance!


Now I’m on the hot fresh official stable 0.11.0 and figured out that for attributes I have to use state_map. With it - as the following config show - my problem solved. No think that this is the most intuitive and convenient but at least it works, so thanks for the developers.

The config:

type: custom:mini-graph-card
  - entity: sensor.water_quality_fvm
    name: Water hardness
    attribute: water_hardness
font_size_header: 10
font_size: 66
hour24: true
height: 50
line_width: 1
hours_to_show: 168
  labels: false
  - value: nagyon lágy
    label: Very soft
  - value: lágy
    label: Soft
  - value: közepesen kemény
    label: Moderately hard
  - value: kemény
    label: Hard
  - value: nagyon kemény
    label: Very hard

…and the result:

But my other problem still ‘active’, which is about the not properly used color_tresholds with the parallely used state_map.

I will drop an issue to Github about it.

It works on my setup (0.11.0):

Depends on what values does you attribute have.
If you have numericals - state_map not need.
Otherwise - surely yes.

Seems you are treating state_map in a wrong way.
It associates a real value with a displayed string.
But - how do you imagine a graph with non-numericals?
The only way to show a graph is to associate non-numericals with numericals:

  • ugly=0
  • unpleasant=1
  • good=2
  • very good=3

    This may be done by some template sensor.

Most of the cases for state_map are like:

        - value: 'off'  #### which is "0" - so this is a numerical
          label: Bad ##(or Day, or Switched OFF)
        - value: 'on'  #### which is "1"
          label: Good ##(or Night, or Switched ON)

@Ildar_Gabdullin what you wrote is not really ‘true’.

Both theoretically and practically you can define graphs without numerical value. State_map from one side could be used for such situations, when the original textual value is not your preferred one. Of course the numerical usage is the most common and basic, but it works without any problem with strings.

All different states are really different ‘states’, call them ‘levels’ in the graph. The order of them is what you define in the config from top to bottom as less to more.

For example:

Just try it, will work, I use it, and the original manual also mention such use case.

Also check this ‘official example’: GitHub - kalkih/mini-graph-card: Minimalistic graph card for Home Assistant Lovelace UI

And because of it I think textual attribute values could follow the same working method (as states already do)

Try this case w/o interpolation.

These are binary sensors.

These are binary sensors.

It is absolutely true and maybe this could be the differences between the situations. But #1 anyway the card itself seems parse its values as string and this is why we can get usable results from them. But #2 seems you light the reason of the problem as it is really true, if the sensor has textual values I really have to use state_map to extract its data. In this case this is really not different in state or attribute examination. Both works in the same way, there is no need to consolidate them.

Thanks for the direction!

But as the summarizaton we can simply use the card for textual values if we already know the sensor’s value-set (which type is in this case indifferent… we can use strings, number, anything). The result is perfect with textual values also, just as the ‘topic’ says we have to use state_maps to define the discrete levels.

Honestly, that was a really new thing for me.
I tested with state_map some time ago - then stopped using it since I needed state_map only for a secondary graph and it flooded the browser with errors like “value not found in state_map”.

I tested with this code:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: entities
      - entity: input_select.persons_list
  - type: custom:mini-graph-card
      - entity: input_select.persons_list
    hours_to_show: 0.183333
    points_per_hour: 480
    line_width: 1
    smoothing: false
    aggregate_func: last
      - value: Ильдар
        label: ildar
      - value: ...
        label: ...
      - value: ...
        label: ...
      - value: ...
        label: ...
      - value: ...
        label: ...
      - value: ...
        label: ...
      - value: ...
        label: ...
    color_thresholds_transition: hard
      - value: Ильдар
        color: red
      - value: ...
        color: orange
      - value: ...
        color: yellow
      - value: ...
        color: green
      - value: ...
        color: cyan
      - value: ...
        color: blue
      - value: ...
        color: violet

Color is always violet. Not sure that thresholds work with non-numericals…

Yes, the only problem is the constant color (what you mentioned, and I wrote it also before). From any other aspect the solution works fine. I already reported the color problem at Github. Of course not as a hard bug report just a question as a possibility…

Anyway here is my comment on your help:

Thanks. I’ve been looking for this, but unfortunately I seem to be unable to reproduce your results. All I did was change my entities but things still don’t seem to line up properly.


Check this post about vertical misalignment.
Nothing we can do with that.

P.S. Try not using AM/PM time format. It will help - a little (see example on the post mentioned above).

Hi everyone!
Can someone help me? I need to know if theres a way to change de offset position (top, bot) on css of the card. Mine looks bugged because other templates that i use. As you can see, the min and max values they get cut and dont show:

My code:

          - type: custom:mini-graph-card
              - entity: sensor.mikrotik_ether1_rx
                name: test
            name: Download Link 1 
            line_color: var(--state-icon-active-color)
            hours_to_show: 1
            points_per_hour: 10
            min_bound_range: 1
              icon: false
              average: false
              extrema: true
              state: false

          - type: custom:mini-graph-card
              - sensor.mikrotik_ether1_tx
              - sensor.mikrotik_ether1_rx
            name: Upload Link 1 
            line_color: var(--state-icon-active-color)
            hours_to_show: 1
            points_per_hour: 10
              legend: false

You can probably do it with card-mod. Head over to one of the huge card-mod threads for help.

I thought about it at first. however, even putting the css there, and it appearing in the page code, has no effect on the styles.
I dont know, but the style should be first on the code, right? the card_mod is putting after the code of the card itself:

The code with the card_mod custom:

          - type: custom:mini-graph-card
              - sensor.mikrotik_ether1_tx
              - sensor.mikrotik_ether1_rx
            name: Upload Link 1 
            line_color: var(--state-icon-active-color)
            hours_to_show: 1
            points_per_hour: 10
              legend: false
                  style: |
                    .graph__labels {
                      top: -30px;

This doesn’t have anything to do with the mini graph card directly.

Seek help here:
:small_blue_diamond: Card-mod - Super-charge your themes! - Share your Projects! / Themes - Home Assistant Community (
:small_blue_diamond: Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card - Share your Projects! / Lovelace & Frontend - Home Assistant Community (

Anyway, try:

                  style: |
                    .graph__labels {
                      top: -30px !important;
1 Like

Thanks man, the !important flag solve the problem. Thank you!

1 Like

Anyone advise how I could move the humidity text just underneath the temperature? I have seven MGC in a row and there is not enough space to have the temp and humidity side by side because of the screen ratio of my main tablet.


type: custom:mini-graph-card
  - sensor.temperature_xiaomi_rumpus
  labels: false
style: |
  ha-card .states.flex::after {
    color: orange;
    content: "Humidity: {{states('sensor.humidity_xiaomi_rumpus')}}%";
    white-space: pre;
    background-color: rgba(50,50,50,0.4);
    padding: 15px 15px 15px 15px;
    border-radius: 5px;

I’d like to do something like this:


Scroll two posts up and check those links.

  - type: custom:mini-graph-card
      - sensor.cleargrass_1_temperature
      labels: true
    style: |
      .states.flex {
        flex-direction: column;
      .states.flex::after {
        color: blue;
        content: "Humidity: {{states('sensor.cleargrass_1_humidity')}} %";


Examples here (scroll down for mini-graph-card):


Gee Whiz! That is freak’n awesome, thank you. Would have never figured that out on my own. :+1:

is there a way to filter out entities? i have some probes that are used now and then and want to filter them out when they are unavailable or unplugged so i dont have to update the config