Lovelace: Mini Media Player

I can’t figure out how to get local radio stations to the playlist in the LMS. How did you do it?

Hello I have the problem that I can not add my second Sonos box to a group.
I always get the error message at the bottom of the screenshot.

The boxes are Ikea Sonos Symfonisk, they are also compatible with the Sonos app and integration.
Control of the individual boxes works without problems, only the grouping unfortunately not.

Does anyone have a tip for this?

Greetings Jan

Impossible to tell from a picture of your yaml, but it looks like you only have one device in your group.

Go to the LMS webpage and select the radio station you want to listen to, then whilst its playing click on the bottom 2nd from the right icon to save station to playlist.

Thank you very much. I couldn’t figure it out and it’s that simple. I’ve already added radios thanks.

Did you ever figure this out? I have casatunes also and am just getting started with Home Assistant. Would love some help if you got this to work. Thanks in advance!

You (or someone) will need to develop a casatunes integration.

But great news, they apparently have an API

Anyway, this thread is not the place to discuss further.

Some of my media players are powered off when not in use (e.g. my sonos for outside).
If HA reboots then, the media player is unkown resulting in following:


Is there a way to get the power button shown on unavailable players? I capture the turn_on/off commands to physically power on/off the device with a shelly. I could reside to a custom button-card, but I prefer to have everything in one place :slight_smile:

You could try a Universal Media Player:

This will allow you to re-route the power commands for the Sonos to the Shelly. And to use the state-template setting to account for when the Sonos is unavailable.

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The actions are already working, but I did not know of UMP. But i would love to have the power button visible when the entity is unavailable. That way I am sure they are properly alligned …

If you create a Universal Media Player entity as suggested, and then assign the UMP as the entity on your mini-media-player card, I may be wrong, but I thought it should show a power button according to the power state of the Shelly - or did you try it and it doesn’t work?

Trying it out now :wink:

Thank you, works as expected !

Been using HA for about 2 weeks now and have learned a lot. I hit a brick wall with getting friendly names for speaker selections in all my media players. some of my Alexa devices show up as the friendly name and others look like ID names… This may be a simple fix but I am at a loss. Any help would be great.


Is it possible to adjust the height of the buttons?

I found:

    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    width: 100%;
    padding: .2em 0;

I would like to add:

    height: 70px;

to that css

My approch does not work:

          - type: custom:mini-media-player
            entity: media_player.forked_daapd_output_ug_keller
            name: Sony Soundkegel UG
            group: true
              controls: true
            style: |
              .mmp-shortcuts__button > div {
                    height: 70px!important;
              columns: 4 # buttons per Row
                - id: ""
                  cover: /local/images/logos/1live.png
                  type: playlist
                - id: "library:track:39026"
                  cover: /local/images/logos/wdr2.png
                  type: playlist
                - id: "library:track:39027"
                  cover: /local/images/logos/wdr4.png
                  type: playlist
                - id: "library:track:39028"
                  cover: /local/images/logos/1005.png
                  type: playlist

What i’am doing wrong here?

Another question: how can i call a url? I tried:

          - type: custom:mini-media-player
            entity: media_player.forked_daapd_output_ug_keller
            name: Sony Soundkegel UG
            group: true
              controls: true
              columns: 4
                - id: ""
                  cover: /local/images/logos/1live.png
                  type: url
                - id: ""
                  cover: /local/images/logos/wdr2.png
                  type: url

Pressing a button does nothing. Only the animation. I tried also with “channel” as Type. Did also not work.

Background: my player is daapd and i want to send REST calls (POST) to it (done by node-RED:1880).

Other solution may be to call the forked-dappd.mediaplayer entity with the correct id, but that did not work either (with my aproches).

MMP doesn’t have a style option. If you’re using card-mod you should ask there.

I know. That’s the reason why i try to inject the css. I would like to know which place in the yaml (or if it is not the right position) and if the class is correct.

This is possible with any card.

Or i’am complete wrong here?

Could someone show an example with Google TTS in it please?

Im dumb and can’t follow the instructions

Is it possible to use and if template somehow for the icon? or any other possible way to fix it? :slight_smile:

  columns: 4
  column_height: 1
    - type: service
      icon: |
          if (states['input_boolean.pausa_badrum_musik'].state == 'off') {
          return 'mdi:speaker-off';
        } else {
          return 'mdi:speaker-on';
      id: input_boolean.toggle
        entity_id: input_boolean.pausa_badrum_musik

i also tried with a template sensor but no icon appers… :stuck_out_tongue:

    - icon: "{{ states('sensor.badrum_mute_icon') }}"
      type: service
      id: input_boolean.toggle
        entity_id: input_boolean.pausa_badrum_musik

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: ikea sensor mute icon
        value_template: >
          {% if is_state('input_boolean.pausa_badrum_musik', 'on') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}