Lovelace: Mini Media Player

does this not work with alexa ? Or am I doing something wrong ?
I replaced the media_player with my spotify account and the speakers with my echoes.
as a groupt platform: alexa

Yes, probably not reading the documentation, which says in relation to speaker grouping

Supported platforms

  • sonos
  • soundtouch
  • musiccast
  • squeezebox1
  • bluesound1
  • snapcast1
  • linkplay2
  • media_player3
  • heos

in relation to the generic media_player entry, the footnote says

3 HomeAssistant added join/unjoin services to the media_player. Future official integrations will implement these services (which are slightly different from the ones, which are already supported by this card) instead of implementing them in their own domain.

I am really unclear which media_player integrations have had support added for join/unjoin, but it certainly isnā€™t many of them.

caught ^^ā€¦ unfortunately I only read it ā€œroughlyā€.

I havenā€™t seen anything like this before either.
the only possibility i see is if you create groups:

  • Everywhere
  • Downstairs
  • Upstairs
  • Front of House
  • Bedroom

but thatā€™s not really what I want.
Suppose I have 5 speakers and just want to turn on ā€œ1 + 3 + 4ā€ā€¦
If I want to switch off 4 and switch on 5, then I would need another group for thisā€¦ etcā€¦ not really good
So only all below, or only all above, thatā€™s clear to me, but itā€™s not really a solution either

Have you tried this? Didnā€™t work for me.

EDIT: Canā€™t work:

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Yes, itā€™s not supported, also group playing is not (directly) supported.

Responsible for playing, grouping etc. is IMO the integration, here the Alexa Media Player integration and it does not support join and even has limitations when it comes to group play.

However, there is currently a hack that may or may not work

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Thank You updateā€¦ This update resolves a visual issue.

thanks for the link! then I donā€™t need to search any longerā€¦ just (maybe) only waitā€¦

but it should works with ā€œgroupsā€ ?!?
if you know beforehand which echo should be in which group, i mean you can do that.

I also think that I once saw a solution for NodeRed. But since I only had one speaker, it was uninteresting.

You mean the workaround Jƶrg mentioned?
Itā€™s not an issue for me, I was just playing around and was curious if it could work :slightly_smiling_face:

Default sound level
I am trying to have a default volume setting on this media card and I donā€™t seem to find a way of doing it.
tested with an automation, the setting gets updated on the receiver but not on the media card.
is there a way to have the card ā€œmatchā€ the actual setting of the receiver?
That attribute is in HA from the receiver entity.
any suggestions and/or ideas will be most welcoming
Thank you

Something is broken, the card reflects the entity for all my media players.

thanks for the feedback.
I will do some trouble shooting

How can i add the following service to a button?

service: remote.send_command
command: Hdmi2
device: remote.sony_bravia_tv
device_id: 7e22d84c4ddf0d3881d3a116c6be22a5
entity_id: remote.sony_bravia_tv

My mini-media-player cards, where source is not hidden, are all appearing expanded in the background (see pic). And clicking on the source button does not bring up the list. Anyone else experiencing this?

it was fixed after 2022.3.x Have you updated the card?

Hmm. Iā€™m on HA 2022.3.5, and have updated mini-media-player to v1.16.2.

Maybe I need to clear some cachesā€¦

Maybe. I had same issue but fixed after card update. How did you install card? Maybe try F12 in chrome and right click on empty cache and hard reload. Are you using HACS or manual install? If manual did you update the resource?

Yep, clearing browser caches fixed it. Thanks.

Hopefully something like this should work:

- type: custom:mini-media-player
  entity: media_player.your_player
    columns: 2 # Max buttons per row
      - name: "HDMI 2"
        image: "/your/image/path.png"
        type: service 
        id: remote.send_command
          entity_id: remote.sony_bravia_tv
          command: Hdmi2

More information here.

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Thanks it works!

It is possible to change the artwork or the track info based on the selected shortcut?

Streaming an AAC track that does not provide that info, so looking for a way to manually add those.