Not sure, is there artwork available? does it work in the default media-control card?
Do you have the theme variable --paper-item-icon-color set to a white color?
Can’t see what card modder styles you got in there but make sure they don’t interfere.
No, Look for the source attribute or one of the strings in the source_list attribute.
I’m trying to get the Alexa TTS working with your custom card. I have Keaton Taylor’s Alexa custom component installed and have added show_tts: alexa to the card config but it doesn’t show up. Not sure if it matters but am using Hassio 0.87.1.
TTS was reworked in version 1.0.0 of the card, the tts option was renamed to tts and takes an object, to allow for more parameters, see TTS object.
Here’s an example
- type: custom:mini-media-player
entity: media_player.example
platform: google
language: en # optional, defaults to language set in the tts component
entity_id: all # optional, defaults to the entity of the card
Unfortunately doesn’t seem like the Volumio component exposes the required attributes. media_duration, media_position and media_position_updated_at are all required to calculate the progress bar.
Can someone tell me why I do not have anything when choosing a source? A single source appears in the selection only as it is activated, for example by voice. I would like to be able to switch from the HA level to the given playlist on a given speaker. I use google home mini and jbl.
I have already added aliases to the spotify component: