Lovelace: Mini Media Player

Unfortunately the Fire tablets are running an old WebKit version and fully is using the default WebKit of the os. Chrome use its own and that’s why it’s working with Chrome.

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Unfortunately this looks like the case.

I indeed do have javascript_version: latest in my config.

I’ve had to downgrade to 0.4.1 of this card, which seems to work on the Fire tablets now. Looks like they don’t support lit-html. Is there a way to only use lit-html if the device supports it?

Really enjoying this app thanks heaps for making it kalkih


Thank you @kalkih! This is extremely well implemented.

Briliant. Thank you for this.

Works as intended :slight_smile:
A bit cluttered at the moment, but I like having one single control panel for everything. 24

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That’s unfortunate, might also be the ES6 syntax /functionality used in v0.5 and newer versions of the card.

Unfortunately no sorry. I would have to rewrite the whole element for that to work, and then maintain both versions.

That looks great, nice setup!

Thank you! :pray:t3:

I thought that might have been the case :frowning: thought I’d ask just incase.

Thanks for making this awesome card!

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New version v0.8.4

  • Added: hide_info option to optionally hide entity icon, entity name & media information #15

    v0.8.4 example 1

  • Fixed: issue where volume slider would send double volume_set commands on change and glitch back

  • Updated: lit-element dependency to 0.6.2


Thanks for all your hard work kalkih.
I have a weird question though, how can I make the player bigger (in height)? I’ve checked the JS file and tried several settings but nothing seems to make it as I want it. I know this is supposed to be “mini” but still, I would like to make it alittle bigger so I can see more of the artwork cover of Spotify for example.

I actually got the same question before, made a PR to his fork of the mini-media-player, with some quick changes that would make the card higher, not sure how well it works with various configurations of the card but it might help you.

The Icon: property doesn’t work for me on 0.8.4 (haven’t tested earlier) with my lg webostv entity, the icon will always reflect the icon set on the source setting on the TV (different icons per input).

- entity: media_player.living_room_tv
type: “custom:mini-media-player”
name: Living Room TV
group: true
icon: ‘mdi:cast’
show_source: true
hide_power: true
hide_volume: false

The icon property works as intended on my Sonos cards.

Try using normal single or double quotations " or

Not sure why the single quotes in my reply seems different. They work for other entities.

Double quotes makes no differents, in fact: both seems to be working, but only when the tv is off.
As soon as I turn it on, the icon changes to match the icon assigned in the settings on the TV.

That’s strange. This is the order of which the icon is selected by:

this.config.icon -> this.entity.attributes.icon -> 'mdi:cast'

I’ve looked through the code and I can’t find any potential bugs.

This card is really nice and gets better and better. Great job and very good support!

How can I remove the source icon?

Thank you!
There is no configuration option available for that at the moment.
If you really want to you could edit the files manually for now, this should be possible with just a few changes in mini-media-player.js.

  1. Remove line 521:

    margin-left: 16px;
  2. Add a new line below line 542:

    display: none;
  3. You would probably also want to remove line 526 if you don’t use hide_controls or hide_volume options:

    margin-left: 56px;


I will probably add a config option for this in a future version :smiley:

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Lovely. Thanks a lot!

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Today I set the artwork: cover property on the TV entity, and the effect is that now the Icon from the TV source is horribly expanded on the card, BUT the icon now matches the specified one in the yaml.