Lovelace: Mini Media Player

Yes there’s an option called expanded in the speaker group config, set it to true.

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after installing it from HACS what need to be done?
I can’t see that card when pressing the + button in Lovelace
I’m using the UI Lovelace

@Barak_Michaeli Add it as a ‘custom card’ when selecting the + sign, like all custom cards need to be added as a lovelace card.

See for example config:

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I want to add a shutouts to a specific source
I saw this example:

      # Start predefined playlist
      - icon: mdi:cat
        type: playlist
        id: spotify:user:spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1DZ06evO2O09Hg

but how can I know the specific id of my pioneer receiver sources?

Go to http:/[/HA-IP]:[PORT]/developer-tools/state, find the device and look for source_list amongst its attributes, there you’ll find the id’s of the available sources.

Nice solution!

this what I have, no id’s

  - CD
  - DVD
  - TV
  - 'YES'
  - AppleTV
  - iPod/USB
  - XBMC
  - HDMI 2
  - HDMI 3
  - PlayStation4
  - HDMI 5/MHL
  - HDMI 6
  - BD
  - HDMI 7
  - HDMI 8
  - Spotify
volume_level: 0.5513513513513514
is_volume_muted: false
media_title: AppleTV
source: AppleTV
friendly_name: Pioneer AVR
supported_features: 19853

Hi all,

I need some help here. I just discovered this amazing card yesterday and started playing around with it today. I absolutely love it! Thank you very much to the author, you are awesome! The only problem I’m having is that I can’t get it to show the shuffle button for my kodi. This is my card:

  - artwork: cover
    entity: media_player.kodi
    group: true
      play_stop: false
      power_state: false
      shuffle: false
      runtime: false
        - icon: 'mdi:music'
          id: 'special://profile/playlists/music/party.xsp'
          name: Party
          type: DIRECTORY
        - icon: 'mdi:album'
          id: 'special://profile/playlists/music/random album.xsp'
          name: Random
          type: DIRECTORY
        - icon: 'mdi:radio'
          id: ';'
          name: FM4
          type: MUSIC
        - icon: 'mdi:radio'
          id: ';'
          name: 101
          type: MUSIC
        - icon: 'mdi:radio'
          id: ';'
          name: 101 Rock
          type: MUSIC
      columns: 4
    source: icon
    type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
  - artwork: cover
    entity: media_player.lgtv
    group: true
      play_stop: false
      power_state: false
      shuffle: false
      runtime: false
    type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
  - artwork: cover
    entity: media_player.home_mini
    group: true
      play_stop: false
      power_state: false
      shuffle: false
      runtime: false
        - icon: 'mdi:radio'
          id: ';'
          name: FM4
          type: MUSIC
        - icon: 'mdi:radio'
          id: ';'
          name: 101
          type: MUSIC
        - icon: 'mdi:radio'
          id: ';'
          name: 101 Rock
          type: MUSIC
      columns: 4
    type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
type: vertical-stack

and this is the result:

Does anybody have an idea what I’m doing wrong here?


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Use any of the sources in that list as the ID.

The integration has to support the shuffle feature for it to show up and work in the card. Are you sure it’s supported in the HA Kodi component?

Pretty much, calling the media_player.shuffle_set service for media_player.kodi from the developer tools works fine

thanks a lot, now its working
I have noticed that there is a delay in the response of the state, lets say im pressing the mute button, the Tv immediately muted but the card takes few sec to update the state to muted
is that reasonable?

That’s the nature of some components, some update the state slower than others, nothing I can do about it in the card unfortunately.


Could someone please point me in the direction of how to use the navigation for shortcut buttons?

Just can’t seem to get it to work.


@kalkih Hi,
is there a way to add volume buttons instead\addition to the volume bar?
I found the bar very difficult to control (sometime to high, sometimes to low)
also is there a way to make the slider live response, I mean that I don’t need to let go the slider in order for the command to be sent (on my pioneer App its possible)
also is there a way to remove the play forward and backward to to change the call service to other device?

Hi sorry if a newby question, I’m trying to reproduce a random playlist from a list in a button, I tried to use the expression:

uri: {{ ['spotify:playlist:XXXXXXXX', 'spotify:playlist:XXXXXXX'] | random}}

but it seems that it doesn’t work.
Is this the best approach or is there maybe another optimal option to do so?

Yes, see the volume_stateless option.

No, decided against this since most devices are quite slow to respond to volume changes and update of state, which would cause issues when doing service calls to rapidly.

Check out Universal media player

Hello, no that won’t work.
I would suggest setting up a script and do the logic there, then call that script from the button, possibly with variables for playlists, playback device e.t.c…

This is my code

  - artwork: cover
    entity: media_player.pioneer_avr
    hide_when_off: true
    group: true
      play_stop: true
      power_state: false
      source: true
      volume: false
      play_pause: true
      controls: true
      name: false
      icon: false
    icon: 'mdi:youtube-tv'
    volume_stateless: true
    type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
  - artwork: cover
    entity: media_player.pioneer_avr
    group: true
      play_stop: true
      power: true
      source: true
      volume: false
      play_pause: true
      controls: true
      name: true
      icon: true
      mute: true
      info: true
        - icon: 'mdi:television'
          id: 'YES'
          type: source
        - icon: 'mdi:apple'
          id: AppleTV
          type: source
        - icon: 'mdi:playstation'
          id: PlayStation4
          type: source
        - icon: 'mdi:video-input-hdmi'
          id: HDMI 5/MHL
          type: source
      columns: 4
    source: icon
    type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
type: vertical-stack

and this is how its look like

The questions are:
somehow the new card docent have the white background while the old one (on top) has it, what im doing wrong?
also how can I add button of my own to other devices?


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Hi !
Could you help me, how can I use kodi poster as a background image ? Somehow like yaste or your ‘custom: mini-media-player’.

Don’t set group to true.

Sorry I don’t understand the question.

Hello, if the Kodi integration has support for artwork, use the card option artwork: cover.

thanks man
there is no option to keep them grouped with the white background?
the second q was if I can replace one shortcut with a button that lets say switch off the lights