Lovelace: Mini Media Player

I’m out of ideas here. Can’t get it working no matter what.
I’ve installed through hacs and added the resource via UI (Config>Lovelace>Resources Tab).

No luck so far.

Resource path: /community/mini-media-player/mini-media-player-bundle.js

Any help would be appreciated.

Simple card I’m trying:

- type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
  entity: media_player.echo_show
  icon: 'mdi:spotify'

Apparently i needed to correct my resource path to:


And remove the ‘-’ of the card configuration:

type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
entity: media_player.echo_show
icon: 'mdi:spotify'

I have integrate to HA my not smart soundbar as a media player with this integration (uses broadlink rm mini). I added my custom own codes and it is almost working.

the configuration is as simple as it gets (I know there are many possibilities but I used the card for first time yesterday)

entity: media_player.soundbar
type: 'custom:mini-media-player'

My problem is that if the slider for volume isn’t working although the arrows do change the sources as they should

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If I enter in the menu the volume and mute function also working fine

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I can leave it as it is but I would like to use the slider too.
Is there something I could do?

You will not get the volume slider to work with that setup I’m afraid, there’s no volume state.
There’s an option volume_stateless that switch out the slider for volume buttons, that would be your best option.

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can you please tell me how I can put it in configuration of the card? if I do it ha needs restart?

edit: I tried and it is working!
last question about this. is there a way to enable mute button in the card (near to the volume buttons?)

Hi everyone.

I’m very new on this (literally 6 days since I started with HA, so I have a lot to learn) and I’m having some troubles.
This is my card:

Now, I’m having problems with the on/off switch of Playstation. I don´t know why, but the power on/off button only works when I want to turn it on, not when I want to turn it off. But When I enter to the Playstation card I can turn it on and off:

(Sorry, I cant post the image of the card becouse I’m new, so here’s the link:

Also, I’m having another problem not related with MMP, but I think it could have the same solution.
I have another TV, and old TV that can only be turned off with media_player, I tried to enable WOL but did’t work. I also have a Broadlink IR switch, so I was thinking that maybe there’s a way to configure the on/off button to do specific actions. So I was thinking that could be a solution in both cases to change the button actions others, in the case on the TV it could be:


#      - service: broadlink.send
#        data:
#          host:
#          packet:
#        #TURN ON


#          service: media_player.turn_off
#          entity_id: media_player.samsung_un32es6500

If is that possible I could try to set the on/off on the playstation too with media_player to see if it works.

Sorry about my poor english and i’ll be thankfull if someone could help me with this.

Pretty new to home assistant and such. I am currently using my leg web os tv and im wondering on two things.

  1. Is there a way to have it so when I select a buttong to change the source, if the tv isnt on turn it on first? Would this be a seperate for if the source was selected and tv isnt on turn tv on first? (something on node red dont need to go through that as I know this is just for the card)
  2. Currently when playing plex it just shows the plex icon in the artwork, is there a way to have it show the artwork of the film or tv show I’m playing? (I have the plex sensor setup within homeassistant)

Also thank you for creating the custom card! I love it

Has anyone experienced a problem with buffering the radio when sending to chromecast audio ?
I’ve made myself a radio with buttons and when I press the button I have to wait 20-40 seconds for the stream to play.
I dont have this problem for this stream (MPEG Audio layer 1/2(mpga) stereo, 44,1 kHz 32 Bitrate 128kb/s)
and have to wait for (MPEG Audio layer 1/2(mpga) stereo, 48 kHz 32 Bitrate 128kb/s)
When I run using VLC on a computer, the problem does not occur.
As a curiosity I’ll add that when I press quickly pause and after a while the play starts playing right away.


artwork: full-cover
entity: media_player.biuro
idle_view: when_idle
info: scroll
max_volume: 100
name: Radio
  align_text: center
    - id: ''
      image: /hacsfiles/mini-media-player/rmf.png
      type: channel
    - id: ''
      image: /hacsfiles/mini-media-player/eska.png
      type: channel
  columns: 4
sound_mode: full
type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
volume_stateless: false

For me mini-media-player not work at all. (hassio 0.110.4, hacs 1.0.3)
I installed with hacs (hacs is ok for other plugin like lovelace-slider-entity-row)
after install
in lovelace resources I have:
/hacsfiles/mini-media-player/mini-media-player-bundle.js javascript module
(I can found it at this adress in hacsfiles)

But when I create a card :

- type: custom:mini-media-player
  entity: media_player.yamaha_main

I get the message No card type found…

I tried to uninstall and reinstall hacs and mini media player several times without result

I don’t know where to look at

If you are using the UI to add the card you don’t need the dash or indention, so like this:

type: custom:mini-media-player
entity: media_player.yamaha_main

If that still does not work check that you have the appropriate resource for the card in the Configuration / Lovelace / Resources menu.

Thank you, that was it. I had referred to the sample in github:

- type: custom:mini-media-player
  entity: media_player.kitchen_speakers

Lovelace examples are always written as if you were using yaml mode and have to list the card under a view. You have to adjust this for entering the config in UI edit mode as each card is presented on it’s own and the UI takes care of listing it under a view.

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Hello, try the option toggle_power: false, might work better for some devices.

Yes, the universal media player can do just this, it basically allows you to map actions such as on/off to different services.

Not that I know of unfortunately.

I’m pretty sure the plex component exposed media artwork before, but I just tried and I don’t get any artwork from plex neither.
The card will show the artwork exposed by the component, so nothing I can do from my side, sorry. :frowning_face:

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Plex component definitely exposes artwork of the current playing media. To check my own sanity I set up a fresh mini-media-player card on a Plex media_player and everything looks fine.

Can anyone experiencing this issue specifically with Plex create a github issue with more details?

I’m stupid, I actually only checked my chromecast entity attributes which was playing plex (not the actual plex component).

@jhardy Is it a plex media player or is it a chromecast/another entity you’re missing artwork on?

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Thanks a lot! That command resolve the problem, what does it does?

And I’ll be trying the universal media player. Thanks!

By default the card will call the media_player service toggle, setting toggle_power: false will instead make the card call the turn_on / turn_off services conditionally based on the entity’s current state.

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I am trying to use the image: and cover: options under the Shortcut item object of type button.

I can’t get the images to.

What is the path the plugin looks for these images relative to the HA main configuration folder?

How do I round the corners of the media player if it’s nested in another card?