Lovelace Node based Editor - WIP

Yep, the themes.spec is really important there, because it defines the Theme information :slight_smile:
I’m glad it is working for you know!

same error, but im a patient observer, so ill better wait for a more idiot friendly release suited better for me :wink:

Could it be, that the styles folder is missing in your repo?

in "/config/lovelace/decluttering_templates/badge_climate_button_template.yaml", line 83, column 19: Unable to read file /config/lovelace/styles/separator_card.yaml.

Yep! Completely. Let me update the theme :slight_smile:

Could you please update the theme repo, copy again the lovelace folders inside your HA config folder, and try again please?


Now it’s the cards folder :smiley:

in "/config/lovelace/decluttering_templates/lights_view_button_template.yaml", line 131, column 27: Unable to read file /config/lovelace/cards/lights/card_lights_living_room_lightsview.yaml.