not sure. most of my sensors are updated real time, and my netto_verbruik sensor, and its templates, are updated every 10 seconds I think, its the DSMR that updates these.
this is another view, all shown just fine, and I can see each sensor update and respond to the other:
They all show just fine in my setup, regular and Lovelace. It’s when your card is used the performance is severely hampered. And, on each new version, new issues arise, and templates or sensors have to be adjusted to the way your card uses the data. That simply won’t do it I am afraid…
I am a heavy user, admitted, use 128 components. but they all fare well. Well mostly, only Hue has some issues, but apparently that is only the messenger of I/O going on. As I can see with using your card, Hue light show unavailable … (other story) It does signal that it burdens the system.
things changed though, and now this shows:
would this reflect your design better?
the response to the centre toggle is immediate, so that’s much better indeed.
well, yes, that’s what’s happened each time I test your card. It was an immediate effect after updating to the latest version also. Still, wondering about what you said, I thought it might have to do with history. That has been a terrible performer ever since I started with HA, and has been for many people. So I checked what else is using that, and found the history-graph of course, but also the mini-graph-card-bundle see Lovelace: mini graph card. I’ve temporarily disabled that to see what happens. (I was using your card and the mini-graph card alongside each other)
It seems to have effect… not sure if it is all gone, but if I use either card things speed up. If I use both, I get the aforementioned result: spontaneous reboot, halting system, and when trying to load the inspector, my browser kills itself and reloads the page, which it then won’t do… you get the picture of the issue)
needs further inspection.
Still, everything happening in the frontend does take its toll, especially with much customization going on. Not sure if that’s cause for relieve or sorrow.