Lovelace: Power wheel card

You can choose what you like the most, but it’s either the one or the other. And it has to be the same for each of the energy view input entities of course. :wink:

I think I saw some people in this topic using that solution. But you can also have a look into the Utility Meter integration for that.

You can do the template sensors in a more compact way avoidng {% if … %} by using the max function.

    friendly_name: "Grid Imported Power"
    unit_of_measurement: 'W'
      "{{ [states('sensor.power_grid_fronius_power_flow_0_http_solar')|float, 0]|max }}"

Thanks, it’s working nicely and the figures agree with the inverter manufacturer’s. I needed integration sensors to count energy from the power sensors (solar generated/grid imported/grid exported), then utility_meter makes each of those into daily energy readings.

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While I’m sure it’d likely work that way, I kind of stick to the time tested “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” method :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure. What’s your way?

My energy system has multiple solar arrays as well as solar thermal collection with different thermal stores, so I’m guessing as I need it to be custom, the power wheel card isn’t a good idea?

Should i go down the manual creation route like this

With the power wheel is it possible to add other items? (I’m guessing not given the beta state of the battery).

That’s a massive setup at your home! You could make a template sensor that combines all the data of the solar arrays together. I’m not sure about the thermal stores. They probably are not charged by the solar panels, so they can’t be seen as a battery by the card. If they act like solar panels (i.e. their power is consumed by the house and what’s left is given back to the grid) you could add them to the first template sensor.

It’s not possible (nor planned) to have other items in the card.

Thanks. Yeah I think I’ll go with the manual version as it allows me to have multiple inputs and outputs, and animated arrows as well. Thanks for clearing that up.

Is it possible to hide the title or at least make it a lot smaller? I love the card and want to use it on my central console but it’s relatively (too) big.

There is a feature request here about hiding the title. You could +1 that. I couldn’t find a temporarily workaround to hide it.

This is great! I’ve got distribution and power working well but it won’t calculate the money - what might I be doing wrong? I’ve included the rates in the card setup but it’s all showing 0.00

This looks like a cool card. I have some questions first though. I’m still not sure how to interpret what I see at my home.

I’m living in Holland, have a smart meter and solar panels. I always have been under the impression that my solar panels feed their power straight to the grid and none of it is actually consumed within my house directly, e.g. if there is a grid blackout, I don’t have any power either independently of the panels generating power or not. Judging from the way to configure this card I think I understand that it assumes part of the solar power is actually directly consumed?

Now that I have my smart meter adapter I can see the actual numbers. What I notice is typically a difference in the power the solar panels are generating and the power fed into the grid. the power to the grid is around 25% lower than the power generated by the solar panels. So now I’m doubting, what is the cause of this:

  • Loss of power because of the transportation of the power from the converter to the smart meter?
  • I actually do use part of the power generated by the solar panels directly in my home?
  • The difference in measurements time intervals of the solar panels versus the mqtt feed from the smart meter?

Thanks a lot!!

I live in Holland as well.
Power produced by your solar panels is consumed immediately by the devices inside your home. If there is anything left then that power will flow back to the energy grid. The smart meter is measuring only the power flowing back to the grid (not the power directly consumed inside your home).

You can see this by observing the power being returned to the energy grid and then turn on a vacuum cleaner or a 60w light bulb. You should see that the power returned to the grid will be lower.

See also

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Did you get it working? If your power view (in W) is okay and the energy view (in kWh) is okay, but only the money view (in e.g. €) is wrong, maybe the values you supplied for the rates are too small? What happens if you supply

energy_consumption_rate: 1

OK, thanks, I’m gonna try that!

But why can’t the panels feed my local net during a grid blackout? Does the meter needs power from the grid to work?

Your inverter needs power to work. I guess the inverter manufacturer decided to run the inverter from the grid for reliable operation.

Utility Providers mandate that if the input from the grid goes away that your inverter shuts down so you do not back feed to the grid and kill workers working on what they think would be dead lines.

If you want your power to work when the grid goes down you’ll need battery backup with ATS switches to cut your grid connection.

Aha, clear, that does makes sense indeed.

So I’ve got it setup, really nice card. Just wondering is there a way to tell it to ignore when the solar panel sensors are unavailable (which they are when no power is generated). Because the card gets flooded with error messages.

Use a template sensor which is always available to hide the solar disappearing from the card.

Thanks, I have been trying that. But I’m not doing that properly apparently, because this still results in wrong values. The unavailable is gone, but it still dives to 0, when the omnik is unavailable. So my idea to take the previous value of the fixed template sensor does not work :frowning:

        friendly_name: Totaal opgewekt (Unknown fixed)
        unit_of_measurement: kWh
        value_template: >
         {%- if is_state('sensor.myomnik_energy_total', 'unknown') -%}
           {{ states('sensor.panels_energy_total')|float }}
         {%- else -%}
           {{ states('sensor.myomnik_energy_total')|float }}
         {%- endif -%}


You can also see, that restarting Home assistant causes additional dives in the values, this propagates through more template sensors :frowning: