Lovelace: Simple thermostat card

Hi all , i would ask if there is a way to do some changes to the card as per below example
moving arrows on sides , move the buttons up and round their corner & cancel the main title to move the whole card up.

How to do both of those are well covered in the documentation. Moving the mode buttons is not possible without perhaps hacking up something crazy with card-mod and custom CSS

Thanks, i might have missed where.
I assumed was css… i will play a bit, i assume css to round corners of the mode button too…

getting there…

Done , thanks , very nice card

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Sorry , i only need one hint , may i hide the preset buttons ?
i noticed when i power on , they come back if i put _Hide_when_off option
i also noticed that including tehcard in custom:button-card is not working on mobile.
Is there a way to give the card a aspect_ratio

@esbenr @duceduc - I am having same problem.

@nervetattoo , Hi , I been using this for months, then I upgraded to latest home assistant 0.116.4 and now the step icons are missing. I used to have them , the + and the - on a row layout. I have not changed the cards or lovelace config whatsoever - they have just vanished.

here is my (was working) config (unchanged) :-

      - type: custom:simple-thermostat
        entity: climate.lounge
        name: lounge
        step_size: 1
        decimals: 0
        step_layout: row
            some_mode: false
            another_mode: false
              name: Disable
              icon: false
              name: false
              icon: mdi:whitewalker

I am using standard theme, no additional customisation/cards and have not changed the integrations or any of my .yaml config files. Nothing.

Great work - was - but no longer works ?

I’ve never got the thermostat setup to work. I am now using tom_1 sample

is it possible to disable +/- controls when in certain modes? Eg. for “Away” preset I have fixed temp of 15*C, so +/- controls are little bit confusing. I’d like to have ability to modify target temperature only when in Manual mode.

simple thermostat

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Nope. You can probably hack it to use two different configurations with the state-switch card. Would be a lot of config but should be possible with the template support in state-switch to inspect the attributes of the climate entity.

Hey @Petrica,
I have been going crazy trying to change the unit. How did you get the main control to show %? I am also using this as a hygrostat but am still stuck with F after hours of trying.

Hi @chowbruh,

I’d suggest following the topic regarding native implementation of humidifiers/dehumidifiers as what I’ve done was buggy at least without a proper backend device (and eventually stopped working around 0.114 update).

Hi, is there an option that I can use this card with a climate group? I’m using this integration to combine my 3 valves in the livingroom and control them at the same time but the simple thermostat card does not seem to work with it. In my other rooms the simple card works perfectly! Thanks.

Duplicate them inside a conditional card.

Any reason this hasn’t been added to HACS?

Yes of course. In my setup it works very well even with the climate_group. Just use your id as climate which you have configured in your config.yaml

Oh strange, I tried a few times this way but I got an error. Tried again now and it works :slight_smile: no idea what I did wrong. Thanks

Hi Joachim, my problem might be related to yours. I have three netatmo valves that appears as “thermostat” in simple th. card (or even in the default th card). Every button for preset or operation works and changes the state for all three valves (away, frost guard…), in netatmo app (setpoint work for the particular valve) but in lovelace the buttons dont change their state/color. Do you think that this can be done by a grouping them?

So grouping works perfectly but does not solve my problem. When I click on any button of the simple thermostat it changes states of all valves in netatmo interface but the state of the button in lovelace does not change. Any ideas?

Hi, I do not think we have the same problem when I read your post. I also have a slightly different valve. It looks the same but has different software and behavior.

HI guys,
Could someone help me setting this up.
I’ve added the ‘simple-thermostat.js’ file to the www folder and enabled advanced mode and added the local resource /local/simple-thermostat.js?v=1 but whenever i try using it i get the error ‘Error: Custom element not found: simple-thermostat’ and i’ve restarted the server.
Am i installing this the wrong way

Do it using hacs, it’s way better and reliable. Then everything you need to do is to add your custom card to the configuration.yaml; in the following format

    - url: /hacsfiles/simple-thermostat/simple-thermostat.js?v=1
      type: module
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