Lovelace: Simple thermostat card

Very nice update - Thanks Raymond!

Thanks for posting this, I also have a transparent theme and this was really helpful. :star:


Trying to use this card with my old insteon venstar thermostat. Some in the thread had similar issue, but I can’t fix my problem.

The card display 2 temperature level adjustment. I’m only concern about the heat temperature, but it keep display the cool setting.

I do include the relevant configuration, hope someone could tell me where I did a mistake. I just want to see and adjust the heat setting. Up north in Canada, we do not really care about cool setting. :laughing:



lovelace configuration

title: Test panel
icon: mdi:test-tube
id: Test
path: Test
  - type: custom:simple-thermostat
    entity: climate.l1_thermostat_main
    step_size: 1.0 
    decimals: 0
    name: cuisine
          include: false
          include: true
          include: true
          include: false
          include: false
          include: false   
      - entity: sensor.temp_maitre
        name: maitre
      - entity: sensor.temp_sous_sol
        name: sous-sol
# off,heat,cool,heat_cool,auto,fan_only

ISY rest API

<node flag="128" nodeDefId="Thermostat">
  <address>14 61 1A 1</address>
  <name>L1_Thermostat- Main</name>
  <parent type="3">10899</parent>
  <pnode>14 61 1A 1</pnode>
  <property id="ST" value="32" formatted="16.0°" uom="101"/>
  <property id="CLIMD" value="1" formatted="Heat" uom="98"/>
  <property id="CLISPC" value="70" formatted="35.0°" uom="101"/>
  <property id="CLISPH" value="32" formatted="16.0°" uom="101"/>
  <property id="CLIHUM" value="23" formatted="23%" uom="22"/>
<node flag="0" nodeDefId="OnOffControl">
  <address>14 61 1A 2</address>
  <name>L1_Thermostat- Cool Ctl</name>
  <parent type="3">10899</parent>
  <pnode>14 61 1A 1</pnode>
  <property id="ST" value="0" formatted="Off" uom="100"/>
<node flag="0" nodeDefId="OnOffControl">
  <address>14 61 1A 3</address>
  <name>L1_Thermostat- Heat Ctl</name>
  <parent type="3">10899</parent>
  <pnode>14 61 1A 1</pnode>
  <property id="ST" value="0" formatted="Off" uom="100"/>
<node flag="0" nodeDefId="OnOffControl">
  <address>14 61 1A 4</address>
  <name>L1_Thermostat- Fan Ctl</name>
  <parent type="3">10899</parent>
  <pnode>14 61 1A 1</pnode>
  <property id="ST" value="0" formatted="Off" uom="100"/>

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BTW, Im using the isy994 component from

Answering my own question in case anyone else wonders. To maintain Thermostat settings through a reboot, I set up an input_number that is updated any time the mode or temp is changed on the Thermostat (for off I set it to 100). On reboot, I reset the Thermostat based on the value of the input_number. I’m using Node Red.

Cheers, Richard

Any solution to use entity_picture instead of icon? Thanks.

I have a question and a doubt…
I am using TADO thermostat and your lovelace card. I have all set up from the TADO app and at midnight i put the thermostat off by the scheduled program and at 7:30 in the morning i have set it to switch to auto hvac mode, but i noticed since i am using your card ,the thermostat turns off at midnight as expected but it doesn’t turn to auto mode at 7 o’clock in the morning, remaining in OFF mode. Now the question is: can it depends from the lovelace card or not?
Before installing and configuring the card the thermostat was working as scheduled from inside the app.
Now i have set two automations to switch to OFF mode at midnight and to AUTO mode to 7 in the morning… I hope ti will solve this little problem

I’ve been following the discussion but I can’t undestand one thing. Is it possible to manually add custom presets (home, comfort, etc) or are these reported by the climate component?
Mine (just a tp-link smart plug) shows:
hvac_modes: heat,off
preset_modes: none,away

No, automations can’t be affected by the frontend really. So that has to be a different issue

Unfortunately it is just the presets your device supports. You could create scenes for your other needs and use Lovelace to add buttons to activate them

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I was meaning exactly the opposite. Is your card able to change the behaviour of the tado mobile app?
Why, in the morning, the thermostat doesn’t turn to auto mode as declares the app configuration? Why before installing your card it was working? My doubt is that the card doesn’t allow the app to turn on the auto mode.

Thats what I meant: The card can’t affect the tado device (obviously outside of you interacting with the controls manually)

Ok, i’ll check what can be wrong on my side…

hey @nervetattoo

I have been using this card with a lot of pleasure. But is there any way i can hide the operation and presets?

Figured it out, added:

_headings: false
include: false


Is it possible to change the color of the icons based on the state?

I need help…
My config simple thermostat:

name: Sypialnia
step_size: 0.5
type: 'custom:simple-thermostat'
  heat: 'mdi:radiator'
  idle: 'mdi:radiator-disabled'
  'off': 'mdi:power'

And when thermostat is in state HEAT icon is not show. In OFF and IDLE whow ok.

Also is any chance to chage string TEMPERATURE and STATE to own custom ?

And how i can setup image for background in this card ?

Did you ever figure this out? I’d like to hide the ‘cool_setpoint’ as well. I also am using the ISY-994i-ZW
Thermostat is a CT100

I can confirm that this configuration does not hide the cool_setpoint

      - type: 'custom:simple-thermostat'
        entity: climate.thermostat_s_br_2
        decimals: 0
        step_size: 1
              include: false
              include: true
              include: true
              include: false
              include: false
              include: false   
            include: false

Unfortunately there is no way to hide it. The card detects if there are two setpoints for the thermostat and if so it will show them both. Its not a lot of work to add support for overriding that detection, simply stating to only use target_temp_high for example. I’m happy to review a PR for it as I don’t have time to look into it any time soon myself

I think I have an ugly fix, by managing Raymond comment’s

I do not have any javascript experience, but I was able to slightly change the code to force a single setting value. This is in no way a solution, but a workaround that will work until the next card upgrade, if any.

I also change the label “Temperature:” displaying the current temperature, with the word “Current:”

My lack of experience do not allow me to create a PR with a setting to specify which display we want, high or low, but in the meantime at least I have a fix.

LTGCC, if you want my code, please send me a private email, I do not want to pollute the list with a temporary workaround

Thanks Raymond, very satisfied with what you done. Great job.