Lovelace: Simple thermostat card

Thanks Paddy! Would that then mean real programming, way beyond YAML?

Nope, the integrations are UI or YAML. :slight_smile: What you’d need here is some kind of automation or script, that does what you want (in your case calling the service climate.set_temperature).

In your case this could be something like the Harmony remote is calling a script, that calls the service on the climate integration. Could also be possible, that the Harmony remote can call services by itself.

I’m sorry, I have no idea, how the Harmony is connected to HA, as I don’t own or use one and therefor don’t know how these work in HA. :slight_smile:

Okay, so that’s the road I’m on. And are halfway, but my real problem in its essence is that there is no service I can use directly.

I was looking for a service that can change current temperature setting either a 0,5 degrees up or down. But again there is no such service as I can conclude and was hoping for someone that knew how tio implement. In this thread I got a great suggestion with input.numbers helper which I have started to test and it might work out well.

But of course if there had been a service like climate.rise_temperature and climate.lower_temperature that had been easier to call from my Harmony integration

Thanks for helping!

I totally misunderstood what you wanted. :slight_smile:

That is only possible via script, see this post from @petro:

You need to setup a script like this and call it via Harmony. :slight_smile:

But, this has nothing to do anymore with simple-thermostat-card, so if you have further questions, please open up a new thread to discuss this. :slight_smile:

Hi Dan,

Got a question about the sync part :slight_smile: How did you do it? I assume your Daikin AC has a direct integration to Home Assistant, right?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hi, well maybe not what Daikin thought but anyhow. I bought a Daikin Wi-Fi module to my AC in-house unit which then the HA Daikin integration work with. I was lucky that HA supports the Wi-Fi module that fitted my unit. Then it’s like normal, the services becomes available and at it seems, sync works out of the box. I can freely use the normal Daikin remote and HA gets updated with the new temperature settings. So keeps the remote still valid. Was good in our family.

Perfect, thanks!

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I’m trying to hide the Fan control when the AC is off. I see there’s _hide_when_off but is it only for the HVAC Mode? Do I have to use card-mod to hide the fan controls? How would I target it since both of the controllers have the class modes?

Got another card-mod query!

I want to change the colour used on the ‘Off’ button of the control, when the unit is switched off.

Currently it is a grey box, but I would prefer to leave the background of the button is the same blue as the rest of the card, and change the power icon to a dark red.

I suspect card-mod can do this somehow, but haven’t get a clue how to find out what variables I need to work on. Any thoughts? Thanks!

Screenshot 2022-08-05 at 12.22.00

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Niiice, can you share your code please?

Hey all! Two small questions:

Is there a way to make the control buttons align, since I have 6 operation modes, 5 fan modes, and 4 swing modes?

Is there a way to add buttons to call services? (Silent mode, sleep mode, boost mode and the display light are all controlled with services that need true/false sent to them).

I’ve been trying many things, but I never manage to!

Any climate card that can show multiple zones in a HVAC like this

Not that I am aware of, but you could probably do something with some cards in a vertical stack.

I assume that each zone translates to a separate climate entity in HA?

Here is my design. I have disabled the state and temperature variables because I couldn’t customize their icons. Instead I have manually added temperature as a sensor entity which does allow me to personalize it.

I have additionally added a sensor that tracks the power consumption of the AC unit and a binary sensor that turns green if we are producing power to the grid via solar panels and thus running the airco at that moment is ‘green’.


type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.airco_kamer_pm
    names: true
    icons: true
    headings: false
  step: row
    - entity: sensor.airco_kamer_pm_error_code
    - entity: binary_sensor.airco_kamer_pm_defrost
    - entity: binary_sensor.producing_green_energy
      icon: mdi:leaf-circle
  name: Airco slaapkamer
  icon: mdi:air-conditioner
  temperature: true
  state: true
  preset: true
      icon: mdi:fan-auto
      icon: mdi:fan-speed-1
      icon: mdi:fan-speed-2
      icon: mdi:fan-speed-3
      name: Swing off
      icon: mdi:power
      name: Vertical swing
      icon: mdi:swap-vertical
      name: AC off
      icon: mdi:power
      name: AC on
      icon: mdi:power
  - entity: sensor.airco_kamer_pm_current_temperature
    name: Power
    icon: mdi:thermometer
  - entity: sensor.airco_kamer_pm_power
    name: Power
    icon: mdi:lightning-bolt
style: |
  ha-card {
      --st-font-size-xl: 60px;
      --st-font-size-m: 30px;
      --st-font-size-title: 20px;
      --st-font-size-sensors: 20px;
      --st-spacing: 3px;
      --st-fault-active-color: green;


Hi, love that Simple Thermostat Card. I want to show the next scheduled temperature change. The sensor is sensor.buro_next_scheduled_change_time.
The output of these sensor is 2022-09-30T21:00:00+00:00
I tried to format these output in day month hour minute, but no idea to get this working.

type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.buro
  - entity: sensor.buro_battery
    name: Batterie
  - entity: sensor.buro_comfort_temperature
    name: Komfort
  - entity: sensor.buro_eco_temperature
    name: Absenk
  - entity: sensor.buro_next_scheduled_change_time
    name: Wechsel
    template: "{{ as_timestamp(sensor.buro_next_scheduled_change_time) | timestamp_custom('%w:%b,%H:%M') }}"
  step: row
step_size: '0.5'
decimals: '1'
header: {}
  headings: false
  include: false

The result is:

Can anybody help me out?

Love your card!! It’s exactly what I want and haven’t been able to make work so far…
If you don’t mind could you share your code please?

Thank you!

Hi Guys, loving all these cards, does anyone know how to stop the more info popup coming up when you press the temp?
Thanks in advance.

I can’t come up with smth new and mine, that’s why I take your idea :grinning:

Ofcourse no problem… I have changed it slightly since that screenshot, but here is it’s current state:

type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.aircon
    dry: false
    heat: false
    heat_cool: false
    fan_only: false
  - entity: sensor.aircon_inside_temperature
    name: Inside
  - entity: sensor.aircon_outside_temperature
    name: Outside
  - entity: sensor.aircon_humidity
    name: Humidity
  - entity: sensor.aircon_today_s_total_energy_consumption
    name: Elec Used Today
    names: true
    icons: true
    headings: false
    hide: true
  temperature: true
  state: false
header: true
style: |
  ha-card {
    --st-font-size-xl: 20px;
    --st-font-size-m: 16px;
    --st-font-size-title: 20px;
    --st-font-size-sensors: 14px;
    --st-spacing: 0.5px;

Yes, GitHub - tpacri/multizone_generic_thermostat: Home Assistant generic thermostat component that supports controlling of multiple zones

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